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Youngjae was smart. He knew the plan before it rolled of one's tongue. The poor omega failed to hear the hushed threat that day and had well forgotten. Nobody but the crooked beta and his friends know what awaits. A day so peaceful and bright, it can turn just as lifeless and dark as previous ones. The group of bullies started getting impatient, annoyed. They were more then ready to pounce on their prey, having a fool-proof plan to make sure it happens.

Now on the other hand, Jungkook woke up with such a smile on his face it was contagious. He'll see Taehyung again for sure, possibly eat lunch together. What more can the omega ask for? These past days were like a dream come true. To top it, the days were normal like an average student. Nothing but sunny skies and a warm heart but...who knows how quickly euphoria can change.

Jungkook had already finished his morning routine and changed, arriving at the kitchen with a soft smile on his features. The young male grabbed a quick bite of toast before heading outside.

Today was one of the rare days he felt like he could take his gaze off that familiar pathway. Looking up, Jungkook saw colorful surroundings that he hasn't tooken much notice of before. There seemed to be a group of students walking on the opposite side of the road but he never knew anyone else walked that side and casually wondered if they lived near. The ground was really his only line of sight in the morning so it sparked his curiosity to finally look up and stay. Turning everything out for so long made the younger come to realization at all the small things he's missed.

Upon getting close to the school building and entering, Jungkook found himself at the same blue locker just like all the other days but this time something was different. There was a genuine smile. There was hope. The omega felt like his world has been shifted but...not failing to be cautious about the dangers still lurking in the shadows, no. How could he possibly forget to recognize the fact its not over, the pain and suffering? Everything's been going so well but it's not completely over, at least- not yet.

Jungkook's favorite Alpha hasn't brought up the picture of his unconcious self in the bathroom after that day, especially seeing he was uneasy the last time. Though, Taehyung tries his best to cheer the internally distressed boy. Only two days left until his birthday and he's made such little progress but at least its something and the alpha will take it.

While exchanging things a familiar voice called out to the bubbly omega. "Hey Kookie! How are you this morning?" Taehyung asked as he ruffled the younger's hair. Jungkook's smile widened as he turned around to face the older. "Surprisingly well! What about you?"

"I've been fine so far but that's good!" Taehyung replied. It almost seemed like a textbook conversation but it didn't faze the two as they chatted on like normal friends would do.

"I was thinking...maybe you could meet my friends and sit together at lunch? I promise they don't bite! I just thought of ways for you to gain some caring friends alongside me. Is that okay?" The alpha asked with slight hesitance in his voice. Jungkook's eyes lit up at the offer but it quickly faded as another question came to mind. "If I go, can my two friends join? I feel bad since I've left them to eat with you these past few days."

"Yeah sure, anything to make you more comfortable. I dont think my friends would mind either." Taehyung answered with an assuring smile. The omega felt himself get flustered at just the presence of the male standing in front of him, his natural beauty, gosh, it drove Jungkook's heart crazy.

"What's on your mind?" Taehyung asked with a chuckle, seeing the youngers face turn a darker shade of red. "Uhh...n-nothing! It's just a bit hot in here- yeah! It's just a little hot but I'm fine." Jungkook stammered out, making up a quick lie.

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