Chapter 6

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This chapter has a big Trigger warning. There will be Rape to be blunt about it. Don't read it when you don't want to. 

POV Yoongi

I wake up bound to a chair. My mouth is gagged. I try to look around but I can't see anyone. I look at my legs and see that I am in a gynecologist's chair. My legs are in the air and all of my private parts are exposed. I hear some sounds that are made from someone with something in their mouth. So I am not alone.

I wait for what is going to happen to me. I am scared that Jungkook and Jimin are here too.

Out of nowhere someone starts talking. "So there they are finally."

"Let the mirrors down." another voice said. Some mirrors appear above my head and I see my own reflection and the faces of Jungkook and Jimin. Of Course they are in the same position as I am. Jungkook is struggling against the ropes that hold us in place. Jimin is crying and I want nothing more than to hold them close and to tell them that everything will be alright.

I can not only see their faces but their whole body. I see some legs of other people but no faces.

"Let the party start." Someone says and more people come into the room. I keep looking at my boys and pretend that the other people don't exist. That works until they start touching me. I try really hard to keep my normal face. I don't want to let Jimin and Jungkook see that I am as scared as they are. Jungkook sees what's happening to me but Jimin is gone in his own world. I hope he will be okay but I am scared this will break him completely.

People start touching my dick and even my hole. I feel humiliated and gross. But I also feel aroused and I hate it. Fingers start coming inside me and some tears slip through my eyes. I keep looking at the boys and see that people also started touching them. I failed to protect them. I feel the fingers inside me and then out of nowhere someone puts his dick inside me. I scream from the pain but the sounds are still muffled. People keep raping me while I can't move anything in my body. I look at Jungkook and Jimin and see that they get the same treatment.

Finally after a long time the people walk away. Jimin is unconscious and Jungkook is crying his eyes out. Our ropes disappear and I fall on the ground. I crawl over to Jimin and Jungkook who fell too. I take the gag out of my mouth and from Jimin's mouth. Jungkook got his own out and I carefully picked up Jimin. When I want to stand up I almost sink through my legs but Jungkook helps me stand. We look around the room when a door opens. There is no way we stay in this room so we walk out and into our greenhouse. I walk to the stream and lay Jimin as far as possible in. Carefully I start cleaning him up. I wash him with care and lay him on the shore. Jungkook has not made it into the stream so I picked him up and gave him the same careful wash I gave Jimin. When Jungkook is ready I want to put him beside Jimin but he holds me back and starts washing me. I let down some tears but we say nothing.

When we are done I carefully grab Jimin and we make it to the hideout. Our blankets are gone but I don't really care for now. We fall asleep as soon as our heads touch the ground.

I wake up from a stirring Jimin. He is talking in his sleep. Says words like don't and help. I hug him and carefully wake him up from his nightmare. Jungkook wakes up from the loss of touch but when he sees the state Jimin is in he crawls to the other side of Jimin to hug him.

"Shh Jimin, only we are here. You are safe with us. We will not hurt you." I say softly in his ear. I pet his hair when he starts waking up. "Why?" Jimin asks. "Because we are an easy target." Jungkook answers. I don't like it when Jungkook says it like that but I know it is true. We are an easy target. Jimin holds us close but we can't fall asleep again. We stay like this for hours. The only time we get up is to do our business and to drink some water. Food arrives but we have no interest. I abandon my garden and our working out program. We hold each other the whole time and just lay down. We take turns sleeping. Without saying any words we know what we mean by every look we give each other.

We just lay there hour after hour and day after day. We don't talk. We don't move, we just stay there. Until the day came we didn't know it would come. Another member joins us. 

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