Chapter 11

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"As the saying goes, people only realize you're worth once you're gone..." - Unknown

Lukas Rosenbauer's POV

I have already forgiven my wife for all the things that she hid from me for a very long time but there's a part of me that really hurts. Since we land to San Francisco I do not talk to her a lot not because I'm mad at her but because I still feel a little pain.

Yes, I ignored her and I regret it. I am in pain but I know that it is harder on her part. She knows how spoil she is to me. How I always do whatever she likes because I love her so much. Though this happened, my love for her never fades. I just need a little time to sink everything in my head. I really feel cheated on and fooled.

Last night, she's gonna tell me something but because of the tons of paperwork that welcomes me after our two-month honeymoon even on weekends I have work to do. I told her that I was sleepy and tired. She stayed at the veranda. It was so cold there, the wind was a little strong that's why I hugged her and asked her to sleep. She didn't come with me and just stare at the ground. I did not force her.

I wake up and get myself ready to go to work. She is still sleeping. I do not wake her. I sit beside her. She is breathing slowly. I have noticed the obvious circles under her eyes, she looks so pale. I know that I'm the reason of those unfine circles. I really regret what I did to her. I run the back of my palm on her cheeks and kiss her forehead gently. I walk to the kitchen and leave her breakfast. I know she's not use to drinking milk but she needs it, she needs to at least gain energy.

Last Monday Kate went to my office, she invited me to the opening of her fashion boutique in Sacramento. I was not able to say no because it was urgent.

We get inside the boutique and there displays variety and different kinds of dresses, if only I come with her here sure thing she would love these.

I know nothing about women's dresses but the sight of a stunning black dress caught my eye. That's why I didn't hesitate to ask the owner.

"Kate, is there a small size of this dress?"
She looks at me with a frown on her face.

"Yes!" She answers. "I'm not aware that you have a good taste in dresses huh!"

"It's for my wife." I told her with a big smile on my face. She smiles at me bitterly before she personally gets the dress size.

I know she will like it this time. It's a free flowing dress like what she always says "above the knee"

"Wow babe, thank you!"

I smile at myself I can hear from here her reaction. I miss my wife.

I reached home at ten o'clock and I was a little drunk. I have met some common businessmen at the opening.

Since when I came here in San Francisco, I'm tired every day. The papers piled up and until now I can't finish the half of it. I'm so excited to go home. I will go home early today. I will surprise my wife. I'm going to ask her out for dinner. The dress I bought for her is in my car. I didn't bring it home. I drop to a flower shop, I miss her smile while smelling the flowers. I will apologize for how I treated her in the past couple of weeks. I hope she forgives me.

I send her a message so that she can prepare.

"Honey, I'm on my way home. I have a surprise for you. I love you."

I know what she will say.

"Lukas, I hate your surprises."

I smile at myself. I pull over to our garage. I get the bouquet of flowers and the paper bag on the passenger's seat. I hope she'll love this. I open our main door slowly, she might be in the kitchen now. I am about to put my car key at the table near our door when I saw that there's a white paper on it and her phone is there.

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