~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 24~

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So there was a tie between the sword and the bow and arrows so I used a coin flip to determine which one (Y/N) will pick and the sword won so we're going sword.

"(Y/N), why don't you pick your weapon first?" Master Wu said as you looked at the weapons laid on the table, the light emitting from the lamps in the room shined off the swords which would catch your eye. You noticed that two of the swords looked identical to each other so that probably meant they were meant to be used together, you thought for a moment and remembered one time where Marida showed that she could write with both hands. Yeah, I know she likes to show off. So since she can do that she would probably be best with duel swords. Okay, you've made your decision.
You picked up the independent sword then raised it "I'll pick the sword." You said with confidence as Mr. Liu grabbed your wrist and lowered your sword "Good choice, but be careful with it." He said making you chuckle with a nod. Lloyd chuckled as well "Guess you're with me!" Lloyd exclaimed, he had to be honest he was excited to train you. You looked over at Lloyd standing on the table with all the survivors and the others with a big warm smile before walking over. As you were walking over some of the survivors backed up since they were still traumatized about the attack of the giant.
When you stood in front of the table you knelt as Lloyd approached you "Can't wait to work with you." You said slowly lifting your hand and grabbing Lloyd's little claw hand. Lloyd was a bit started but he was easily relaxed feeling the warmth of your hand. The other ninjas would turn away a bit jealous about Lloyd getting to train you, they didn't mind training your friends but they wished they could've ended up with you.
You noticed the other ninja's jealousy immediately, they were cute when they were jealous. "Dah c'mere!" You lifted both your hands onto the table putting them behind the other five ninjas then pulling them towards you. They let out little yelps as you held all six ninjas against your chest gently so you didn't squish them yet firmly so you didn't drop them.
The ninjas all smiled with laughter as you smiled down at them warmly, as you embraced these living legos you were reminded of the first time you had met them when they were just dropped off in a random neighborhood and you were the lucky one to meet this little group of heroes who may be small but had a lot of heart in those small blocky bodies.
"C-Careful with him!" Koko yelled a bit worried for his son but when you looked up at her with a warm reassuring smile she was immediately comforted and knew that you were going to be careful with her son "You heard the woman you better not hurt Luh-loyd!" Garmadon yelled making Lloyd chuckle "Lloyd..." Lloyd said correcting his father.
You let out a soft chuckle as you leaned down and let go of the ninjas "Hey (Y/N)!" You perked up then turned around to your friends to see they have all chosen their weapons. Jasmine had chosen the sledgehammer, Marida had chosen the duel swords, Sophia had chosen the nunchucks, Yinyana chose the bow and arrows, and Xavier had chosen the spear. "What do you think?" Sophia asked with a big enthusiastic grin "Do we look cool?" Xavier asked making you smirk with a nod.
"Okay, we will begin our training immediately. Lloyd will train (Y/N), Cole will train Jasmine, Kai will train Marida, Zane will train Yinyana, Jay will train Sophia, and Nya will train Xavier." Master Wu said making the ninjas bow "Yes Master Wu." they said in unison politely. You and your friends turned to each other a bit awkwardly then bowed to Master Wu as well to seem polite "Yes Master Wu." You and your friends said as the others laugh "I wish we could get weapons and be trained.." Jack said letting his arms drop to his side. He wanted to be apart of the action and so did (B/N) "At least you were trained a bit by Mr. Liu."
"So..where are we going to train?" Xavier asked looking up at Mr. Liu "Well you all are going to need some stealth for this. At night we're going to go to the nearby mall and train in the parking lot where there's enough room. Do you think you all can sneak out?" Mr. Liu asked and all of your friends answered in their own unique ways but all of them related to 'Yes, I can.' You smiled confidently before speaking up "Now let's get going..we'll meet up at the mall parking lot around 10 pm! Let's go!"

-At Night-

"Why can't I fight with you and your friends?" (B/N) asked walking into his room with you following behind. You were about to put (B/N) to bed and he was still whining about not being able to fight the "giant". You groaned as you pointed to his bed "Bed (B/N).." You commanded making him groan then get into his bed "You know why (B/N).." You sighed sitting down on his bed once he got comfortable. You felt a bit bad that he had to lay in his bed as you got to train with the protectors of a lego city who had elemental powers.
"I know but I hate having to miss out on all the fun!" (B/N) whined making you chuckle "So you think training is fun?" You asked making (B/N)'s irritation fade for a second "Uh..no not really, but you have to admit being trained by Ninjago's heroes is awesome!" (B/N) exclaimed sitting up crossing his arms with his irritation returning. You sighed shaking your head, your brother was a handful..no..a tubful! If that makes sense.."I do admit that but a bunch of civilians' lives are at stake here! You need to understand we can't take any risks unless they're necessary!" You said rather sternly.
(B/N) was immediately crushed by guilt, he nearly forgot about that..."Yeah..you're right..sorry (Y/N).." (B/N) said laying back down onto his bed. You let out a sigh as you lifted his covers back over him "You're just being a bit stubborn. Now go to sleep okay?" You said softly kissing his forehead. (B/N) smiled up and you "Okay..goodnight sis." He said getting comfortable in his bed with a little smile still on his face. You smiled down at him ruffling his hair "Good night."
You stood up then slowly walked over to the door, you slowly opened the door and shut off the light as you continued to look at your brother comfortably in his bed. You held on your smile then exited his room closing the door slowly behind you. You let out a huge sigh as you leaned onto his door. Finally, you didn't have to listen to his whining anymore! "Did you get him to bed?"
You jumped then looked down next to you to see Master Wu looking up at you "Oh..you scared me." You whispered with a soft chuckle. Master Wu wore a soft smile but you couldn't really tell because of his beard. "Sorry about that. Now shall we get going?" He asked as you knelt down laying your hand down on the floor in front of him "Yep." He stepped onto your hand, you lifted your hand up to your shoulder, then he stepped onto your shoulder as you walked towards your room.
Once you entered your room the ninja turned their attention to you "Okay everyone time to go!" You announced. They nodded then ran to the side of the bed as you walked up to the side they ran to. You knelt down to where the ninjas could climb onto your shoulders and they did so. "Let's just train as quickly as we can so we don't have to stay up all night." Kai said making the others nod with a hum "Also Zane, don't speed up your voice that's not what we mean by training quickly." Nya said making you and the others laugh "Okay, I'll make a note of that."

-At the parking lot-

You and all of your friends including the ninja, Mr. Liu, and Master Wu were now at the parking lot. You had to admit it was very...creepy out here..there were only a few cars, some were you and the others' cars, and some were probably from people who worked after closing time.
"Okay future ninjas. Time for training." Mr. Liu said handing out the weapons to you and your friends. You looked down at your blade at the reflection of your face in it..you didn't look like a future ninja...you were nervous, but you couldn't back out now! The ninjas were depending on you and your friends, everyone was depending on you and your friends. You had to do this! You looked down at the ninja on the ground and saw them gather together in a circle then put their hands in the middle "Ninjago!" They yelled putting their hands in the air. You turned to your friends and they looked back with similar looks, you were all thinking the same thing. The six of you gathered up in a circle, put your hands in the middle, then raised your hands cheering out "Ninjago!"

Word Count: 1627 Words

These Tiny Ninja (Ninjago x Reader) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now