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Dear Gregory Brentwood,

Love, how are you holding up? It's midnight in the hospital right now, Andrew is here sleeping by my side. He's growing so much and he looks exactly like me, give it a few years and I think that you'll also see it. Andrew showed me a picture of Jacob, how the little bean grew so well. I remember him coming over here to play with Andrew, they were both so adorable, talking with their lisp. Jacob adored Andrew, my son is taller than yours, and my little boy told me how he wanted to be like superman just so he can protect Jacob. It was lovely listening to him talk about his dreams.

Dreams that I won't be there to support. I wondered, for so long, I wondered why you refused me, told me to just die already. But I figured it out, it was Jerome, your father, wasn't it? I remember that you took me to meet him before he died. Hateful and bastardly, he was. But I never knew you took what he said to heart.

I don't blame you, I never did and never will. That's because I love you. Call me a fool, an idiot, or blind. But I loved you and that's never gonna change.

But I also love my son, and I'm sorry that I had to leave him at such an early age.

No, No, scrap that, I won't be talking about my death for now.

How's Gloria? I heard you have a little girl on the way, I hope she grows up to be someone like you, someone strong and resilient. Someone who's so determined that nothing will step in her way. Andrew has been keeping me up to date with what's going in with you, that's why I know, I hope it doesn't come off as stalkerish. I just-

I just miss you is all.

I miss the nights where it's just us two. Together. Nothing else in the world mattered but our little family, in our little trailer park. We would camp out on your days where you were still unemployed, under the stars we would talk about senseless things for hours and hours on end like old friends. I miss you.

I wondered if it was my fault you changed, my fault that you desired to be with someone else aside from me. But I remembered our agreement and said nothing at all. No matter what happens, remember that I love you.


Max Croce

Dear Gregory Brentwood,

Thank you for visiting me today, I know you don't like being seen with low-lives like me so It's an honor that you even came. I wished that you didn't cry so much, though, we weren't even able to talk because you cried so much. I didn't know you became such a cry baby, ahahahah...

I love the ring you gave me, it's beautiful.

But I'm dying...I know that...You know that... It's too late but...

I forgive you, I never hated you because I'm just stupid like that.

I love you, I'll be waiting for you, no matter how long, I'll wait for you.


Your husband, Maximus Croce-Brentwood.

Dear Jacob and Andrew,

Your father and I will always love you till the end, please don't forget that. No matter what you do or who you become, we love you no matter what.

Jacob, even though Andrew killed me, he had his reasons. Reasons that I completely understand. Forgive him and be there for him, please. Support him, support each other till the end. Love each other with all you got and no matter what please don't hate me, I also had my reasons.

Some of which sound like petty excuses.

I can't think straight anymore, I don't know what else to write, but goodbye. See you both in the next life.

P.S. Please bury me next to Max, please. That is all I ask for.


Gregory Croce-Brentwood.

I placed the letters we found in my father's office on the casket as he was lowered into the ground. Never will I see him again, but I'm happy for him and I pray that wherever he is, he's found uncle Max again.

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