I Side Story I

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I sat up in the apartment, hearing soft talking in the other room, must be Ace again on one of his calls. I strolled into the living room and sure enough, the man sat there on one of his calls out of the countless many each day. I shook my head with a laugh as I went to the kitchen to whip something up for the both of us. Catching sight of me, he mouthed a quick I love you, before going back to focus on his call.

Clarence sat on the breakfast table, with Aiden and Kenny by his side, Aiden looked incredibly annoyed and the day just started.

"I did not leave my apartment just to sit and listen to them both being sickeningly sweet."

"Shut up, it's not like Steve doesn't do the same thing to you," Clarence said kissing the cheek of a, for once, clean Kenny.

"What?! Ugh! whatever! Justin cook me up something," I chuckled and did as I was told, fixing something up for six people, as I was sure Glenda would be here any time soon. As predicted, sluggishly walks into the room, still in her pajamas, and her hair still frizzy.

"You left your apartment looking like that?" Aiden raised an eyebrow at the girl, who merely shrugged as she buried her face into her arms. Ace got Glenda when it became apparent that the gang really needed a woman that's slim and could fit through tight spaces, something that Wendy and Mark usually did.

"Shut up I literally live right next to you, You and Steve could have at least did it on the couch and not on that rickety bed of yours." She glared and only made Aiden blush even more.

I finished up the simple grilled cheese sandwich and laid a plate in front of each and every single one of them.

"Thanks, Justin," Glenda said munching into her food, like the rabid dog she is.

"Where's Steeve?"

"Ace sent him to check on one of the drug cartels that's under him, the main guy wants out, but he still has a debt to pay so... out is not really an option isn't it?" Aiden said eating slowly, the main improvement that I noticed with him is that he's not on his screen 24/7 anymore, after getting a check-up and was finally made aware of how terrible his eyesight has become. "Should be back before lunch." He said sending me the look.

"Nope, I'm not cooking this time, remember Ace sent me with you guys," I said, talking about kidnapping incident that we have to sort out later on today.

"Really?! Damn! I was looking forward to that!" Kenny exclaimed, being as loud as he always was.

Ace walks in carrying his usual dominating aura with him, having to take over Alpha and all the gangs under him, it's taking a lot out of him, I know.

"Jacob..." He murmured into my neck, damn he must be really drained, he never uses my old name that much anymore. I smiled into him and gave his head a pat and offered him a grilled cheese sandwich. He took it and we both sat down on the breakfast table facing the others.

"I'm surrounded by gay men, and I still haven't visited a gay bar, one of you should take me," Glenda said looking at us with her brow raised.

"Nope, you can't relax yet, You're stealing from that Russian dude tonight remember?" Ace says, back to his phone, probably answering another text. I never get jealous of the amount of attention he gives his phone because he always ignores it when the clock strikes 6 pm. He places it down and mutes it just so it can be the two of us and only us.

"Princeton is inviting us to his wedding next month," Ace turned towards me, the others engaging in a conversation amongst themselves.

"The guy who worked under you for five years?" I asked, apparently something happened and this prince guy owed a lot to Andrew. Five years wasn't enough but Ace finally insisted that since Andrew and Jacob long died, the debts and grudges that the two of those people kept, are no worth anymore.

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