Chapter 4

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Then the news reporter said, "But wait, this is just in. The fourth golden ticket has been found by a boy called Mike Teavee."

From Denver, Colorado, Mike was playing his video, while his parents stand next to him.

"All you had to dowas track the manufacturing dates,  offset by weather and the derivative of the Nikkei Index. A retard could figure it out.", Mike said logically.

"Most of the time, I don't know what he's talking about. You know, kids these days, what with all the technology.", Mr. Teavee said.

"DIE! DIE! DIE!", Mike shouted at the TV, the parents looked at him and Mr. Teavee said, "Doesn't seem like they stay kids very long."

Mike finished his game and said, "In the end, I only had to buy one candy bar." The news reporter said, "And how did it taste?"

"I don't know. I hate chocolate.", Mike said on TV, "Then, what are you gonna do in the chocolate factory if you hate chocolate, anyway?!", my dad shouted.

"Now, now, honey, don't shout, you're scaring Jason.", my mom reassured him, "I'm fine, mom and beside, I bet he's going to prove something.", I said

"Plus, he looks adorable, right, sweety?", my mom teased, I groaned and said, "Mom, just because I'm gay, doesn't mean I like him already. Although, your right he is kinda cute."

My parents chuckled and my dad said, "Since your birthday tomorrow, I'll let you buy whatever you want."

I looked at him in surprise and said, "Really?", my dad nodded and said, "You can even buy a Wonka bar.", I smiled and hugged him, "Thanks, dad!"

A/N: 277 words, I have to admit, I have a crush on Mike Teavee when I was a kid. Don't deny that you have a crush on him, too.

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