Chapter 5

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Today is my birthday and I turned 14, so after school, I've decided to buy a Wonka bar in the candy store.

I entered the candy store and saw the news that the fifth winner is Charlie Bucket, from a little home, "Well, atleast, he's nice.", I muttered.

I take out my wallet and said, "One Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight, please.", as I took out my money and the salesman give the bar to me.

He give me change and I left the store and went to my house. As I went to my house, my parents shouted, "SURPRISE! Happy Birthday, Jason!"

I smiled and said, "Thanks, Mom and Dad.", and the table, the is a cake with candles in them, "Make a wish, sweety.", my mom said as I make a wish and blew out the candles.

"So, what did you bought for your birthday?", my dad said, "I bought a Wonka bar.", I said as I took out my Wonka bar.

"Well, what are you waiting for, sweety? Open it.", my mom said, as I unwrapped the chocolate bar and saw something shimmering.

We were wide-eyed and I took out the golden ticket, "Oh my god! You have a golden ticket!", My dad shouted and hugged me tight.

My mom was jumping and clapping her hand, "I'm so proud of you, sweety.", she said as she kissed me on the cheek.

Then, there's a knock on the door. My dad answered the door and the paparazzi and cameras went inside and went to me.

"What's your name?", the news reporter interviewed, "My name is Jason Black.", I said, "How did you get your ticket?", he asked.

"I just bought the Wonka bar for my birthday and I got the golden ticket.", I answered.

"Quick, read it!", my dad said, as I read it out loud, "Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this golden ticket from Mr. Willy Wonka."

"I shake you warmly by the hand. For now I do invite you to come to my factory and be my guest for one whole day.", Mr. Bucket read

"I, Willy Wonka, will conduct you around the factory myself, showing you everything there is to see.", Violet read.

"Aftervard, when it is time to leave, you vill be escorted home by a procession of large trucks, each one filled vith all the chocolate you could ever eat.", Augustus read.

"And remember, one of you lucky six children will receive an extra prize beyond you wildest imagination. Now, here are you instructions:", Veruca read.

"On the first of February, you must come to the factory gates at 10:00 am sharp. You're allowed to bring one member of your family to look after you. Till then, Willy Wonka.", Mike finished.

"Well, thank you for the interview, also, happy birthday!", the news reporter said, "Thank you.", I said and the paparazzi left.

"That's tomorrow!", my mom shouted, "Well, not a moment to lose. Pack your stuff now, quickly!", my dad said.

I ran into my room and packed some clothes and my sketch book, "Let's go.", my dad said as he calls a taxi, "Be save on your trip, honey.", my mom said and hugged us.

The taxi arrived and we went to the nearest airport, "Where you of to?", the man said, "To England, please.", my dad said.

"Two tickets to England, coming right up.", he said and gives us tickets.


After we arrived, we went to the nearest hotel and we went down to the buffet to get some food. Then, I saw someone familiar.

"Hey, dad, I saw Mike Teavee and his dad.", I whispered, "Well, why don't you go say hi to them.", he said, I give him a look that says 'are you crazy?'.

"Oh, don't give me that look, all you have is talk to him.", he said, I sighed and said, "Fine, just this once."

We went to them and my dad greeted, "Hello, you must be the Teavees, I'm Carl Black and this is my son, Jason, nice to meet you."

"Oh, nice to meet you too, I'm Norman Teavee, and this is Mike.", Mr. Teavee said, Mike looked at me and waved at me awkwardly.

I waved back and said, "Nice to meet you, Mike.", and stick out my hand to him, Mike cautiously shakes my hand, "Nice to meet you too.", he said.

"Would you like to sit with us?", Mr. Teavee offered, "Of course, we would like to.", my dad said, as we went to their table.

While my dad and Mr. Teavee talked, I decided to talk to Mike, "So, why do you want to go to the factory eventhough you hate chocolate?", I asked.

"I want to see if this Wonka guy really knows his work, I mean seriously?! What about you, how did you get the golden ticket?", Mike said.

"Well, it's nothing really, I just bought it for my birthday.", I said, he nodded and asked, "Okay, Jay, what kind of games do you like?"

I answered, "Well, I never tried any video games, but I want to try it.", Mike look at me like I was crazy, "Really? Well, how about I'll teach you sometime.", he said while avoiding to look at me.

"Sure, maybe after the tour of the factory, we can play together.", I said and smiled, Mike look at me and smiled.

"Jason, it's getting late, let's go back to our room.", my dad said, as I was about to leave, Mike said, "Wait! Here's my number, you can call me if you want.", and give me a piece of paper with his number.

"Thank you.", I said while smiling, "Bye, Mike.", I said, he waved goodbye as we leave to go to our room.

"So, how your talk with Mike?", my dad asked, "He's actually not that bad, he seems nice.", I said, "That's great, kid."

We went back to our room and we go to sleep for tomorrow's event.

A/N: 1033 words, I know that this is longer than my other chapters, but I want Jason to have a moment with Mike because why not.

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