~ Phone Call ~ (Narrator X Eddie)

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(A/N: Second Narrator X Eddie oneshot time! I feel like I'm kinda neglecting the two since I've done a lot with Juicy & Mully in. I guess I'm running out of ideas now..)

(Eddie's P.O.V)

I go out of my recording studio, talking to myself in mumbles while heading to the kitchen.

"Well done Eddie.. you're really punishing yourself for these FNAF VR videos.."

I was just scared by Freddy while trying to beat Night 5 on FNAF 1, and nearly threw my entire headset at my brand new camera. But stupid old me forgot Narrator was spending the weekend with me and he heard everything.

"Hey Eddie, you alright?"

I quickly look in his direction and shake my head.

"I think I need somebody watching me while I record before I break anything."

Narrator giggles, taking me back to my recording studio and sitting on a chair out of view of my camera.

"Then I'll be the man to do so."

I smile at him, feeling my face going a shade of pink. I slide my headset back on, and back into Night 5. The phone in-game rings, and I get an idea. I pick the phone up, and begin speaking.

"Verónica, estoy profundamente molesto por decir esto, pero nuestro amor ya no puede continuar. Amo a cierto hombre, y él es realmente la miel para mis racimos. Adiós.."

[Translation: Veronica, I am deeply upset by saying this, but our love can no longer carry on. I love a certain man, and he's truly the honey to my bunches. Goodbye..]

I hang up, and continue my game. But then something hit me. Narrator can speak Spanish! He knew everything I said on the phone! Dammit.. it sounded so stupid and I could've made it sound romantic..

But in my moments of thought, Narrator sneaked up behind me and pushed me forward slightly. I scream, and pull off my headset to face him.

"You gave me a fright! What do you want, Pendejo?!"

Narrator laughs, and knowing he was going into my video, he puts on his, well.. Narrator voice and smoothly talked to me.

"Your words, they reached something within me I never knew existed.. I look at you, and I realised how much I love you, mi amor.."

Well.. I know what to title my video now-


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