Chapter one: New Girl

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I look out the window and admire the beautiful sky and sun. I was currently driving in my friend, Alyssa's car, we were on our way to the get-together that she and her friends had planned. I was new to the town. I had just moved from California to Australia last month. She was really the only friend I had, and she wanted me to make more. She said her friends are very nice. I had to admit, I was pretty nervous. I don't know who they were, I didn't know who anyone was. But she reassured me saying that they are very friendly people. We got to house which was fairly big, and had a huge porch. It was brown and it had candles on every window. She parked in the driveway and got out of the car. I didn't get out immediately, I was still nervous. She went over to my side and opened the door for me saying,
"it's ok, I promise."
I sighed and got out of the car. We went in the house and there was a couple people there.
"Hi everyone!", Alyssa said while I stood there silently.
"This is Clementine," She said, "she just recently moved here from California."
"Hi Clementine" I heard someone say. I just smiled and waved as everyone said hello, except for one guy. He wore a band tee with black skinny jeans and Vans. He had blonde hair and amazing blue eyes that I could get lost in for a long time........... if he stopped staring at me. He just stared at me for some reason with no expression on his face. Maybe it was because I was the new girl..? Probably. He never said a word to me. When Alyssa and I were alone I asked her about him.
"Who is the tall guy with blonde hair?" I asked.
"Oh that's Luke." She said.
"Why is he staring at me for? Do I have something on my face?" I asked. This made her smile.
"No he's just shy. You should try and talk to him." She answered.
And so I did. He was on the couch. Everyone else was in the kitchen. He was just sitting there, enjoying his drink. I went over to him.
"Umm..hi" I said, "you're Luke right?"
"Uhh.. Yeah I have to go." He said and then got up, put his drink on a nearby table and left. Just like that. I just stood there, confused. Soon after Alyssa came to the living room and asked what l was doing. I told her "nothing", not wanting her to know the humiliation I just went through. I decided to shake it off and just try to make other friends. I ended up having a lot of fun, and found out that Alyssa was right: they were very friendly people. Alyssa dropped me off at home after the get-together. I told her thank you and got out. I went into my house and I started thinking about that guy- Luke - again. What was his problem?

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