Ch 2. getting selected

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SORRY GUYS I'M REALLY SORRY I ENDED THAT WAY, BUT MY PHONE WAS ALMOST WITHOUT BATTERY!! REALLY SORRY!! Now, let's get this chapter started. One thing you must notice is that Harry is a bit sesitive... yeah, I know, but this will change. (Side note: CUTENESS ALERT!!! CUTENESS ALERT!!!)

Hermione: (glares at him with a worried look but says with a really sweet voice) Harry... why haven't you ate in a week?
Harry: Hermione I... my uncle... and aunt... they beat me... and let me without any food... (breaks down into tears)
Hermione: ((gives him a hug) hey Harry, that's terrible but, now we are going to stay at Hogwarts and you can eat how much you want. (Smiles)
Harry: (doesn't even think about it. Kisses Hermione on the cheek)
Hermione: (blushes)
Harry: Hermione I'm sorry, I didn't think...
Hermione: Harry there's no problem. *He kissed me? HERMIONE!! HARRY POTTER KISSED YOU!!!*
Harry: I'm glad you forgive me.
Ron: you 2 lovebirds, we are at Hogwarts.
Harry: (looks out the window) wow.
(Skipping to the part that they are crossing the river, Harry is with Hermione, and Ron's on another boat)
Hermione: wow... it's beutiful...
Harry: (don't think about it... AGAIN) just like someone I'm talking right now- (covers mouth with hands) *great! Really well Harry! You probably messed all it up. Congratulations.*
Hermione: *did he just call ME BEAUTIFUL?* (blushes) H- Harry... you mean that?
Harry: *what you say Harry? What I say!* every single word.
Hermione: *ok I give up, I'm in love with him, genuinely.* (kisses his cheek and holds his hand)
Some random girl behind them: hey lovebirds- (notices that is Harry Potter) oh come on Potter, you deserve someone better than her.
Harry: well... who could be better than her? She is the ONLY ONE who made me smile, probably the first time at my life... after my parent's death. (Gets really upset and lays down his head on Hermione's shoulder and some tears fall down his cheeks)
Hermione: congratulations! You made him really upset. CONGRATULATIONS!!! (Wipes Harry's tears away) Harry, I know how hard this can be to you.
Harry: I never knew someone who understands me and be so sweet to me.
Hermione: no one deserves to be threated how you have been. I hope one day this can change, by the way, where do you "live"?
Harry: Little Winging, 4 Privet Drive, why do you ask?
Hermione: oh my God! I lived next to you and never saw you. I live at Privet Drive 2!
Harry: oh great, we can go for a walk sometimes.
Hermione: I would do anything for you to take you from them.
(The boats gets on the next side of the Lake, Harry gets off the boat and help Hermione out.)
Harry: (helps Hermione out and when they hands touch was like all the cold and sadness dissapeared from the world)
Hermione: (feels the same thing)
Hagrid takes students to two giant doors and McGonagall comes out)
McGonagall: thank you Rubeus, I take them from now.
Hermione: Harry, do you mind if I take your hand... nevermind.
Harry: (grabs her hand) I don't mind, I actually want to.
Hermione: (she feels like all the cold and sadness dissapear... again)
Harry: (same thing)
McGonagall: (walks to 2 even bigger doors with all the students after her) after you pass throught these doors, you will be selected to your Houses, they are: Gryffindor, wich all are brave and strong; Slytherin, wich all are ambicious and there you will make real friends; Ravenclaw, wich all are smart and search for all informations; or Hufflepuff, wich all are loyal and patient.
Hermione: they all look nice.
Harry: yeah, but obviously I am not at Hufflepuff or Raveclaw.
Hermione: why?
Harry: because I am not patient, and I am not smart.
Hermione: *Seriously...* ...who said that you're not smart? But yeah, you're not that patient. (Laughs)
Harry: (Laughs too) Hermione, you're amazing, truly.
Hermione: (blushes) hearing that from the boy who lived is awesome.
Harry: you know that I hate this fame. I would prefer be a normal guy with no fame and with alive parents than- than this life. (Sniffs)
Hermione: (notice what she made, hugs Harry really tight)
Harry: thank you Hermione-
McGonagall: we're ready. (Walks to the great hall with the students)
(After the sorting, Harry, Ron and Hermione are in Gryffindor, at the common room.)
Ron: g'night guys. (Walks to the boys dorms)
Harry: Hermione?
Hermione: yeah, Harry?
Harry: can we sit here and study for tommorow togheter?
Hermione: yes.
Harry: (Sits down on the couch and gets a DADA book)
Hermione: Harry, what do you wanna study?
Harry: Defense Against The Dark Arts.
Hermione: oh, it sounds cool. (Gets her DADA book)
Harry: (puts his arms around her, starts reading and falls asleep)
Hermione: (blushes when she fells his arms, read for a bit more and falls asleep too)
The next morning
Parvati: (sees them sleeping togheter) *aww how cute.* (walks off of common room)
Ron: (walks downstairs and sees Harry and Hermione sleeping togheter) *hmmmmmmm* hey mate
Harry: (slowly open his eyes, he were in a really good dream that he marries with Hermione...) hm.... morning
Ron: morning mate.
Harry: (notices that he slept with the girl he love, blushes) wake up Mione.
Hermione: (slowly open her eyes and notices she slept with Harry Potter) ehm.... morning Harry.
Harry: morning.
Hermione: I'm sorry... I slept with you... I fell asleep accidentally-
Harry: no worries, I slept really well.
Ron: (mumbles) lovebirds
Harry/Hermione: (hears what Ron said) we are not lovebirds.

Next chapter will take place at their first class, stay tuned. Bye ;)

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