Ch 4.

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Hermione: oh okay, shall we go to lunch?

Harry: yes.

They walk to the great hall, eat and go to classes, after classes they go to dinner. (I cutted the evening part because nothing important happened)

Hermione: (gets up) I will go to the bathroom, I will be back in five minutes.

Harry/Ron: Okay.

Hermione walks to the bathroom and Quirrel runs in and screams:


Everyone starts screaming.

Dumbledore: SILENCE!!! (Everyone goes quiet) now, prefects, take the students of your House to the common room. Professors, come with me. Ron and every Gryffindor goes with Percy. Harry remembers Hermione and runs to the girls bathroom, when he got there the troll was destroying the bathroom, Hermione was there.

Harry: HERMIONE!!!

Hermione: HARRY!! HELP ME!!!

Harry: (takes his wand and points at the troll's stick) Wingardium LeviOsa. (The stick flies and hits the troll on the head, the troll faints.)

Hermione: (runs up to Harry and hugs him) I thought I was going to die. (Cries a little)

Harry: hey (strokes her hair) calm down, we are both okay.

Hermione: (can't handle anymore: kisses Harry, this time on the lips, passionately)

Harry: (kisses back and breaks apart) I love you.

Hermione: (blushes) you do?

Harry: yes I do, now let's get off here before we get in trouble.

McGonagall: (enters the bathroom) OH MY GOODNESS!! Explain yourselves!

Harry: yes professor, what happened is: Hermione came to bathroom, one minute later Quirrel told us about the troll, I came here to tell her about it and found the troll attacking her.

McGonagall: but how did you made the troll faint?

Hermione: Harry used the levitation charm, it worked perfectly.

McGonagall: I just hope you to realise the damn luck you had. Not many first years fight a fully groun montain troll and live to tell the tale!

Harry: yes professor.

McGonagall: 50 points to Gryffindor, for saving a student. Now go to your common room and take a shower mr. Potter.

Harry: okay professor. *FIFTY POINTS?!?!?* (Walks to the common room with Hermione)


Harry: long story.

Hermione: basically, Harry defeated the troll, all alone and saved me, he also got fifty points for it.

Ron: YOU DID IT ALONE?!?!? FIFTY POINTS?!?! Wow Harry...

Harry: wanna hear something even better?

Ron: what can be better than that?

Harry: (smiles at Hermione and whispers to Ron.) Hermione kissed me. We are dating now.

Ron: (whispers back) really!?!

Harry/Hermione: yeah.

Harry: now, I will take a shower.

Hermione: me too.

Harry goes to boys bathroom and Hermione goes to girls bathroom, they take shower and walks downstairs to the common room.

Harry: I'm feeling really better now.

Harmione It Started EarlyWhere stories live. Discover now