Ch. 6

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The summer didn't change that much, Harry goes to Hermione's house almost everyday, Dobby tries to stop Harry but he lies to him, saying that he's not coming back to Hogwarts. Harry becomes a second year prefect and Hermione too.
When Harry and Hermione try to pass on the barrier they can't, but Hermione says:

Hermione: Harry, we can use Floo Network.

Harry: Brilliant. Truly brilliant, as always.

They use the Floo Network and appear at McGonagall's office.

McGonagall: What are you two doing here?

Hermione/Harry: we couldn't pass trought the barrier, so we came by Floo Network.

McGonagall: You 2 could had sent a owl.

Hermione: Sorry, I didn't think about that option.

McGonagall: Fine, but go to your common room and stay there. The password is No-Head Dragon.

Harry: Okay professor.

They both walk to the common room and sit down on the couch.

Harry: I wanna do something.

Hermione: what is it?

Harry: This. (Kisses Hermione)

Hermione: (Kisses back and breaks apart) I will take a nap.

Harry: Okay.

Hermione goes to her room and sleep for a bit, then she wakes up, comes downstairs and sees Harry reading 'Hogwarts, a History', she looked at him, impressed.

Hermione: when did you start reading?

Harry gets scared and jumps.

Harry: don't scare me like that!

Hermione: I'm really really sorry Harry. Did you like this book?

Harry: it's marvelous! I loved it.

Hermione: well that's good.

They go to the great hall and sit besides eachother, a bit later the 1st years students come in. Hermione is watching 1st years getting selected, Harry was doing it, but he looked to Hermione.

Harry: You're so beautiful when you are focused. (Smiles at her)

Hermione kissed Harry, that moment, in front of the entire Great Hall, then they both get focused again on first years students. They get selected and eat. After dinner.


They go to the common room, followed by the first years students. When they get there Harry shows the boys their dorms and Hermione show to girls. After that they sit on the couch, close to eachother when a girl comes.

Ginny: I'm Ginny, can I talk to you?- she says that looking at Mione.

Hermione: of course Ginny.

They walk to a more private area.

Ginny: how do you know Harry? (She didn't saw they kissing)

Hermione: we're best friends since 1st year, actually something more.

Ginny: do you like him?

Hermione: of course we-

Ginny: I like him too, I am sorry dear, but we're perfect for eachother.

Hermione starts crying, but Harry notices and runs to her.

Harry: hey, why are you crying?

Ginny: because I told her the truth, I am perfect for you, and you're perfect for me.

Harry laughs coldy and says: "Are you sure?" And then kisses Hermione, on the lips. Ginny stands there in shock.

Ginny: since when?

Harry: hah! Since 1st year, after two months we were here we started dating. Come Hermione, oh, and 5 points from Gryffindor.

Hermione walks away with Harry, they sit down on the couch, Hermione lays down on Harry's shoulder and falls asleep.

Harry: *she is so cute when she sleeps.*

Harry then rests his head on her and falls asleep. 50 minutes later he wakes up and wakes Mione and whispers to her.

Harry: we have our dorm, only for us, come on.

They go to their dorms and falls asleep, but in the middle of the night Hermione is having a nightmare where Harry and Ginny kisses deeply eachother, and she is crying. (In this fanfic, prefects can sleep on the other prefect's bed.) Harry wakes up with her mumbles and sees she sweating and crying, he then shakes her and she wakes up.

Harry: calm down Mione was just a nightmare, calm down.

Hermione: Harry I'm sorry I woke up you.

Harry: tell me, what happened on the nighmare.

Hermione: I... I saw you kissing Ginny.

Harry: hey, I would never do that, my heart is yours.

Hermione: do you mind if I sleep with you?

Harry: no, of course not.

Harry lays down on the bed and Hermione lays down on his chest. He puts his arms around her and falls asleep.

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