4 💕

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A few moments after I had walked Evie to her first class of the day, I decided to take a walk across the high school grounds, just to clear my head. The sky up above was a wonderful blue and the candyfloss-like clouds helped me to ground myself a little further. I sometimes felt as though I spent far too much time inside my own head. In fact, I knew that I did. It was great to be able to take a small break from thinking so much.

 A soft breeze passed by me and I thought back to how I had helped Evie out. That had been a good thing, right? Maybe I didn't have to be so against Heather after all. Her sister seemed sweet and I was sure that Heather probably was, too. 

That being said, she was one of the popular crowd and I had always been slightly intimidated by them, even if I wished to deny that fact. However, maybe I did simply need to get to know Heather more. Perhaps then I would be able to figure out why Drew liked her so much, besides the obvious. She was an incredibly attractive girl and she always had been. 

I kept walking on through the school grounds until I caught sight of her. 

There she stood, with the breeze drifting through her hair as though she was in a shampoo commercial. Honestly, come on! It was as though even Earth was like 'let's emphasise the fact that this girl is gorgeous'. I didn't like to be a jealous person but she made me feel jealous. 

I tried to remember my brother's words momentarily, about how he had told me that I was good by myself. I didn't know whether I agreed with that. I didn't feel the same without Drew. Drew was with his band members, though, which included Wesley. 

Heather smiled and I didn't know whether she was looking at me, so I simply pointed to my chest and she nodded. 

"Hey," she said, as I walked over to join her. 

"Hi, Heather," I greeted her. 

"How are you doing?" she asked me, with a caring expression upon her face.  

Was this her way of trying to become my friend? 

"I'm all good," I said in return. 

There was a pause for a moment until I realised that I should probably have asked her the same question. 

"Er, how are you?" I asked her. 

"I'm great, thank you! I think it's going to be a good year," she told me, with a charismatic smile. "Do you know where Drew is, by the way?" she asked me, then. 

I knew I shouldn't have been so quick to believe that Heather wanted anything to do with me. Why should she? 

"I'm going to be a vocalist for his band soon, so..." she trailed off, "I was going to find him, so the two of us could practice," she told me. 

Drew was also a vocalist for his band, but he could play the bass guitar, too. I had always found that incredible. I had tried to learn an instrument before but the piano music I had tried to learn almost gave me a headache with how quickly I had to find the keys. 

"I don't know where he is," I said, as I folded my arms across my chest and felt a frown appear on my face. 

Heather's eyes widened slightly, as her eyebrows creased together in intrigue. 

"Are you okay?" she asked me. 

How could I have been so oblivious that I didn't even know that Drew had recruited Heather to be a member of his band? I was ridiculous. 

"Yeah," I lied, "Stomach ache. I guess I should go and get something to eat," I said. 

"Oh, okay. I'll see you later then, Zoe?" she asked me. 

"Wait. You know my name?" I asked her. 

Heather smirked at that question. 

"Of course, I know your name, silly. Drew talks about you all the time," she told me. 

All of a sudden, I felt much better. It didn't mean anything, though. Unless, it did...and Drew had actually been talking to Heather about me because he reciprocated my feelings for him. 

No. That sounded ridiculous, too. 

"Does he?" I asked her. 

"I mean, yeah. You're his best friend. Of course, he wants to talk about you a lot. I guess now that I've joined the band and I'm friends with him, you and I could be friends, too," Heather suggested. 

Heather was far too sweet to me and I didn't feel that I deserved it, especially not when I had been quietly disliking her behind her back for all this time. 

"We could," I said and then silently felt tempted to kick myself for it. 

This was like I was becoming friends with the enemy. How was it that I could even begin to do that, after I had been through all the pain that I had in never feeling good enough for Drew? How could I be friends with the girl who made me feel a lump form in my throat every time I saw her?

I tried to push those thoughts to the side, as I smiled back at her. 

"Awesome. Well, I better get going to band practice now. Do you want to walk with me?" she asked me. 

"I actually have to go and get some textbooks from the library," I said. 

"Ah, right. That's cool. I'll see you around, Zoe," Heather replied. 

I nodded in agreement, even if I knew that I didn't want to see her any time soon. What I did know, though, was that I wanted to go to the library and bury myself in a pile of books, only to be found in a few months time. 

I felt bad because Heather had been so nice to me but I knew that I couldn't be friends with her. She was too close to Drew now and that fact alone broke my heart. 

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