21 💕

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With the knowledge that I was going to be spending time with Drew and Heather, I quickly got ready for the day ahead. I changed into a burgundy dress because I wanted to make a bit of an effort. I always thought that I looked okay but today I believed that I looked wonderful. The colour of the dress really complemented the colour of my hair and eyes, too. I guessed that I had good taste.

I then walked over to my mirror so I could begin to brush through my hair. I caught sight of my deep brown eyes in the mirror and tried to smile back at myself. Although I was physically a small person, I knew that I had to figuratively be a bigger one. I needed to be able to get through the day without causing another argument with Drew. I didn't want to end up fighting with him in front of Heather, either. The thought of that was fairly humiliating in all honesty. All I had ever wanted to do was impress her. I wasn't sure why because I knew that it wasn't as though Heather was judging me at all times. Regardless, I found it important to be my best self.

I finished getting ready and called out to let my family know where I was heading off to, before I walked out of the front door and walked over to Drew's car.

"Hey Zoe!" he said confidently, with a grin.

I was glad to see that he seemed happy. I hoped that it wasn't a front, though, and he wasn't secretly annoyed at me.

"Hi Drew," I said, as I took a seat in the passenger's side of the car.

Drew began to drive on and that was when I made the decision to ask him the rather important question.

"What are we doing?" I asked him.

"Well, it is Halloween. I was figuring that we  could get some snacks and watch some scary movies. Heather and Wesley will probably meet us t the store," he informed me.

I gave a slight nod of my head at that, even though I wasn't sure whether this was going to be a good thing. I had never been the best at watching scary movies and Drew knew as much. Drew was different, though. He had always possessed so much bravery when it came to most things in life and that included watching scary movies.

Nevertheless, as scared as I may have been, that wasn't the truly frightening component of the evening. What truly made me scared was that I was going to have to tell Drew how I felt. I knew that Drew deserved the truth and I also knew that no matter what happened, I was going to have to get through it. I knew that I could get through it. I guessed that feeling was intuition and the knowledge that I had always been able to get through anything that I had faced in my life.

"Earth to Zoe," Drew said.

I turned to him then and exhaled in slight nervousness.

"Sorry. I was just thinking," I told him.

I watched as Drew raised one of his eyebrows, after I had told him that.

"What have you been thinking about?" he asked me.

"I promise I'll tell you later," I said.

"Are you finally going to tell me about everything that has been on your mind the past few days?" he asked me.

Well, maybe. I knew that Drew needed the truth from me and as one of his best friends, I knew that I couldn't continue to hide everything from him.

Perhaps I knew intuitively that we were going to be alright. That didn't stop my over-active imagination from thinking about every possible outcome to me telling Drew about my feelings.

Without words, I simply gave a nod of my head in response to Drew's question.

Eventually, the two of us arrived outside of the local sweets store and walked inside. Once we reached the interior of the store, the scent of the sweets alone was nostalgic. Drew and I used to travel to the same sweet shop all the time so that we could obtain snacks for our movie nights.

"I'll help you carry the sweets," I said, as Drew began to pick up packets and passed some to me. We had chocolate buttons, gummy bears and popcorn. All around, I believed that we had everything that we could have ever needed.

Wesley and Heather soon arrived to pick out a few snacks too.

Heather walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me, being careful not to cause me to drop all of my sweet packets upon the floor.

"It's good to see you, Zoe," Heather said, with a warmth to her voice.

"You too, Heather," I said.

I trusted her so much. That was why I honestly hoped that me telling Drew about my feelings wouldn't lead to a rift between the two of us.

"How have you been?" she asked me, with a caring look upon her face. The two of us began to walk to the checkout, so we could pay for our items.

"I've been okay," I said.

"Is okay good?" she asked me.

I gave her a look of curiosity then.

"I only ask you that because I want you to be alright," she told me.

"I'm okay, Heather. Okay is good," I said.

Heather nodded but her eyes told me that she was still slightly concerned. Either way, we had finished purchasing our items, so it was time for all for our of us to leave the store so we could travel back to Drew's house.

Once we got there, Drew told us that it would be a good time to spend some time outside, as the day was rather pleasant, if a little cold.

We hadn't been outside for long before Drew gave Heather his sweatshirt, so that she wouldn't be cold.

I looked away from the two of them. Why did it even matter anymore? He liked her. It was always going to be her and that meant that it was time for me to move on for real.

I hadn't thought anyone had noticed the slightly pained expression upon my face but Wesley turned to me with an expression of sympathy upon his face and I gave a slight shake of my head in response.

"I'm getting cold," I said, as I turned on my heel and made my way back indoors.

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