45 💕

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In the early hours of the morning, while my parents and Riley still seemed to be fast asleep, I made my way downstairs in order to put the presents I had purchased for them under the tree. I was going to give Heather her present on Boxing Day. I knew that it was a day late but I really wanted to give it to her in person. Besides, better late than never, right? 

I sneaked back upstairs after I had placed my presents down under the tree and pretended that I was still fast asleep. 

A few hours later, I got up out of my bed and got ready for the day ahead. I put on my black sequin Christmas jumper with the reindeer on the front of it. It was one of my favourite jumpers, of course. I then brushed through my hair and tied it into a loose bun, before making my way down the hall. 

Once we made our way downstairs to open the presents, my mother whipped out her camera. I should have expected as much. It was sort of a tradition of hers to take a load of Christmas photos every year, which she would then compile into a scrapbook. I was slightly surprised that she even found the time to do that, given that she was so frequently occupied with her work. However, it was also great to see that she had a hobby. 

My mother looked between Riley and I with a glossiness in her eyes. 

"Mom, is everything okay?" I asked her. 

"Uh...yeah! Of course it is. It's just...so strange to think that you have almost finished high school, Zoe. You're growing up so much," she said. 

"Yeah, slow down on the growing, Zoe," my father teased. 

I simply smirked at him. 

"Merry Christmas, guys," I said. 

"Can we end this emotion fest so I can open my presents?" Riley asked, then, which caused us all to release out laughter. 

My mom and dad nodded their heads and then allowed Riley to open up his Christmas presents. 

I did the same. 

I had received a few new books, a new art set and some movies and a Spotify gift-card. Perfect. 

"Thank you so much, mom!" I told her, as I felt that warm happy feeling in my chest again. 

My father cleared his throat. 

"I helped wrap them," he said. 

I felt amusement become apparent on my face. 

"Thank you, too, dad," I said, as I moved over to each of them to give them hugs. 

"You guys look great! I love that sweater, by the way, Zoe," my mother told me, as she flashed another photo of me. 

I couldn't help but smile, even if I wasn't the biggest fan of randomly having my picture taken. 

"Now, I'm going to go and get started on our Christmas dinner. Feel free to stick some music on!" my father said, as he made his way into the kitchen. 

"Thank God," Riley said, as he flicked on the television and booted up his PlayStation. 

"Oh no...you are not playing  Assassin's Creed all day like you do every year," I told him, with a slight warning tone to my voice. 

Riley acknowledged my statement but went straight back to playing either way. 

My mother gave me a look of sympathy, as she wandered over to me to wrap her arm around my shoulders. 

"Should we go and get started on dinner?" she asked. 

"Yeah! That'll be great," I said with a sweet smile, as I followed her into the kitchen so the two of us could help my father out with the cooking. 

My mother got out her fancy champagne and poured us some glasses, too. 

"Are we even allowed to be drinking this early?" I asked her. 

"Of course we are! It's Christmas," my mother reminded me, as she clinked her glass against my own. 

I gave a slight shrug of my shoulders, as I took a small sip of the champagne. 

It was incredibly bitter but it tasted sort of nice, too. 

I had never been the biggest fan of alcohol, though. If I ever went to college, I wasn't quite sure how I was going to cope with all of the parties. I would work it out, though. 

After I had spent a little while helping my parents prepare roast potatoes, my phone buzzed away. 

I switched it on to find that I had received a message from Heather. 

Heather: Hey, merry Christmas beautiful! I hope you have the greatest day ever! I can't wait to see you tomorrow. 

Zoe: You too! I'm so excited. See you then. 

Heather: 🥰  

Heather: One photo attached. 

Zoe: How are you so pretty? 

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Zoe: How are you so pretty? 

Heather: Says you! I'll see you soon. 💘

My mother glanced over my shoulder and smiled. 

"Wow! She's stunning!" my mother said. 

I smiled down at the photo that Heather had sent to me. 

"Yep. She certainly is," I replied. 

"Now, now, let's keep making the potatoes. You'll have plenty of time to call your girlfriend later, okay?" my dad suggested. 

I gave a nod of my head, as I placed my phone back into my pocket, so I could return to helping my parents out with the preparation of our Christmas meal. 

Once it was done, we all made our way into the dining room so we could get started on eating it. 

"I am so proud of both of you- Riley and Zoe, and honey," she said, as she looked towards my father, "I'm so glad that we're together." 

"Mom, you're being so sappy," Riley commented. 

My mother's lips twitched upwards slightly at the corner. 

"I am just ever-so glad that we are all here together, right now," she explained. 

"Me too, mom," I said. 

"Cheers?" she asked, as she raised her glass. 

"Cheers," the rest of us said, as we clinked our glasses together and got started on eating our Christmas meal. 

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