38 💕

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It felt weird to be at school without Heather around. I wasn't sure where she had got to but I was sure that Penny was probably glad that the limelight was now on her again. 

Regardless, I knew that I still needed to talk to Drew in some attempt to clear the air, so I went to find him and eventually found him sat inside the music room. I guessed that I should have expected as much. He didn't seem to be having the greatest of times without his fellow band member, though. 

"It's okay, Wesley, we can practice without Hannah here. We'll be great!" he said enthusiastically. 

I had always admired Drew's confidence. 

"Hi," I spoke, so he turned around to meet my gaze. 

"Hey, Zoe. I'm pretty determined to get this rehearsal done today so I'm sorry if I'm not exactly the most talkative," he told me. 

I gave an understanding nod of my head as I watched as he and Wesley began to play their instruments. 

They sounded great but it wasn't quite the same without Heather there. 

Once they finished their first play through, I decided to speak up again. 

"Er...does anyone know where Heather is?" I asked the two of them. 

"She's probably at home studying!" Wesley said, with a note of optimism. 

Drew gave a shrug of his shoulders. He had always been ambitious, when it came to his band. He really wanted them to become more popular one day, so I could imagine that he was fairly distressed about the whole Heather not being there situation. 

"Probably. Anyway, let's run that last song again. I want to add an extra section to it," he said. 

"How's school been going? I haven't spoken to you in what feels like a while," I said, as Drew locked eyes with me again. 

Drew scoffed. 

"What? You want to talk to me about school?" he asked me. 


Drew ran a hand through his hair and gave a slight shake of his head. 

"No. I don't want to talk about school," he said. 

"You're being childish, Drew. Can we please talk this out? I want to know who started those rumours," I stated. 

"What? You think that was me?" he asked me. 

"I don't know," I whispered. 

Drew placed his guitar down and walked over to me, then. 

"Are you going to tell me what's going on then, Zoe? I don't mean to be imposing-" 

"-but you're going to be," I said. 

"But, you and Heather have been spending an inordinate amount of time together lately...it's not surprising that people are getting sort of blabby," Drew said. "Like I said before, I wouldn't give up asking you about it until you told me-" 

"You are so damn stubborn. Until I told you what? What you want to hear? I don't know what that is, Drew. All I know is that Heather doesn't like you," I stated. 

Drew took a step back, then, as hurt flickered in his eyes. 

"I..." he trailed off. 

"You're so concerned with getting Heather to like you but I wonder if it's actually Heather you want or the popularity you know you would receive from being with her," I said then. 

Drew gave a shake of his head as an incredulous expression made its way onto his face. 

"Get out of here, Zoe. I'm not interested in talking to you right now," he told me. 

I felt as though he had spat in my face, but I of course had to leave him be. If he didn't want to talk to me right now, then that was on him. I had a right to have my secrets. I wasn't even sure if he was entitled to knowing them anymore because he certainly didn't feel as though he was a good friend to me. 

I walked out of the music room and didn't realise that there were tears in my eyes until a beautiful angel appeared right in front of me, with a look of worry upon her face. 

"Zoe?" she asked me. 

I walked straight over to her. 

"Hey beautiful, what's wrong?" she asked me, as she smoothed my brown hair down and met my gaze, with a sympathetic smile upon her lips. 

"I'm so careless. I just say things and now Drew won't talk to me. I'm so mad at him, though. He won't stop bugging me with questions that I can't answer and you know why I can't. I...can we get away from here? Can we just venture out into the field or something? I don't know," I said. 

Heather sighed, as she wrapped her arms around me. 

"Hey, you're a good friend to him, Zoe. He needs to give you a break. I know what Drew is like from our rehearsals. He has this tendency to be...demanding and pushy, too. I understand why you're upset right now but it's going to be okay," Heather told me. "Now, let's wipe those tears away off your beautiful face, alright? I'll make up some excuse as to why I wasn't at band practice today...I'll say I was sick or something." 

"Oh, so you're avoiding me?" Drew asked and folded his arms across his chest, as he leant back against the wall of the hallway. 

Heather turned to him with apologetic eyes. 

"Don't you get how far we've come as performers? We're going to be performing on stage in a matter of months, Heather! You would rather prance around in a field with Zoe, though? Be my guest," Drew said, as he turned away. 

Heather's eyes narrowed as she walked over to him and tapped him on the back. 

"I don't have time for this pretentiousness, Drew. You need to apologise to Zoe," she told him. 

"I don't need to do anything," he said, as he glanced my way momentarily. 

I swallowed nervously. 

"Well, I care about Zoe too much to just abandon her for some shitty band rehearsal," Heather stated. 

"If you think it's shitty, why are you even a part of this band? You know what? Go away, Heather," Drew said, as he walked on into the music room again. 

Heather turned back to me and pinched the bridge of her nose. This was not good. 

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