Chapter 42~

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Cristina's POV:

Despite multiple attempts, and several distractions, I couldn't get what Derek said out of my head. I mean me? Liking Shawn? Please! He's my best friend. I know he was just trying to make excuses, but even during rehearsals I couldn't shake the thought.

After work, I walked to Cory's house to see if he could talk to me about this. I'm hoping he just reminds me that Derek is a liar and I shouldn't think twice about anything he says. I know that already, but I think I just need someone else to back me up. I just need to vent to Cory and then I can get over it. I normally would talk to Shawn too, but he's gonna start acting weird if I tell him Derek thinks I like him so I have to talk to Cory alone.

I walk through the door that always seems to be unlocked and go straight to the kitchen to find Eric sitting at the table.

"Is Cory here?"

"No he's at the grocery store with my mom. Why?"

"I need to talk to him."

"Wow you made it two sentences without hitting on me. That's a first."

"Yeah well it's important."

"Well he's not gonna be home for a while. You know my mom. Goes in with a list of 5 things and comes out with 15 bags and a lottery ticket."

"Dammit." I put my hand on my head in frustration, but then I remember that Eric isn't completely useless. "Eric?"


"Can I talk to you about something?"

Eric rolled his eyes and groaned. "Fine! What's so important?"

I was taken aback a little. "Wait, I know I asked but are you actually willingly engaging in a conversation with me?"

"Yeah well i'm super bored and you look super desperate so sit." I sat down across from him, still a little surprised that now hidden camera crew is popping out from behind the island. "So what is so important?"

"Something Derek said to me today."

"Oooh, the ex boyfriend. What did he say?"

"He just said something about Shawn and I?"

"What about Shawn and you?"

"That we like each other." It still felt weird to say.

"Well do you?"

"Do I what?"

"Like him."

"No way! He's my best friend."


"So i've known him since I was five!"

"You've known me since you were five and I almost had to file a restraining order at least theee times."

"That's different."

"How is it different?"

"Because i've liked you since the beginning."

"And what? You've only liked Shawn up until recently?" He smiles jokingly.

"No! I don't like Shawn!"

"Why not?"

"Because he's my best friend. Because I was with Derek. Or because i'm sure as hell he only likes me as a friend. THAT'S WHY!" He chuckles. "What?"

"You know not once in that little rant did I hear the words 'because I don't like him like that'."

I didn't say anything for a second, I just tried to make sense of it.

"What are you trying to say Eric?"

"I'm saying that maybe there was some truth to what Derek said and that's why you're pissed."

"Are you really taking his side?"

"I'm not taking his side Cristina. Despite what you might think, I got mad when I found out what he did to you. When Cory told me what happened I wanted to beat the crap out of the kid. He's an asshole, there is no doubt about it. But i'm asking you, is what he's saying bothering you because he was the one who said it? Or is it bothering you because you don't wanna admit it's true? Because I have a feeling that if Derek was so off about this, then you wouldn't be this upset right now."

Eric threw me such a curveball I didn't know what to say. For the first time, I was speechless with him.

"I- I don't know."

"You don't know or you don't want to admit it?"

"I don't know."

I think Eric saw that his questions were stressing me out and he leaned closer and looked me straight in the eye.

"You wanna know what I think?"

"I think you've done enough thinking for today Eric."

"I think you do know. You know that you don't want to admit you like him. Because you know that if you do everything could change. You know that this doesn't just effect you, it effects Shawn, Cory, and Topanga. And that scares you."

"How do you know what scares me?"

"I know because i've watched you grow up. I watched you guys all become friends. I saw them comfort you at your lowest moments, and you at theirs. I know that you can handle anything that comes your way, but the minute it gets tough for anybody you love you will do about anything to protect them. I know you're selfless. You protect your friends. And you may not be scared of much, but it scares you that you can't protect them from this."

I find myself speechless once again. I keep trying to find words to respond with but nothing seems to come to mind.

"Cristina, I didn't mean to get all therapist on you, but by the amount of times you've just sat there and not said anything throughout this conversation, I had a feeling you needed to hear this."

"Why? Why did I need to hear this?"

"Because in my experience keeping your feelings bottled up does more harm than good."

"Eric, I came here to get clarity, okay? I came to hear that Derek was an asshole and he only said that to get in my head."

"He is an asshole. And he might've just said that to get in your head. But you aren't one to let what other people say about you bother you. I'm telling you this because if you are this stressed out about it, then there must be something to it."

"No. There can't be okay? There shouldn't be."

"Just because there 'can't' and 'shouldn't' be, doesn't mean there isn't."

"Stop making sense Eric!"

"Hey it's confusing me too!" He held his hands up in defense.

I cross my arms on the table and put my head down. "Ugh, why couldn't Cory be home today?"

"Because maybe you weren't meant to be talked out of your feelings for once."

I lift my head back up. "What did I just say about making sense?" He smiled as I ran my hands through my hair. "What the hell do I do now?"

"That's for your to decide. I can't help you with that."

"You really choose now of all moments to stop telling me things?"

He chuckles.

Eric's POV:

"Listen, if you ask me, I think things will work themselves out if you decide to tell Shawn the truth. I mean he clearly has a thing for you."

"Okay you've told me some crazy stuff today but that has to be the most ridiculous."

"Alright if you say so."

"Nope I don't care how sure you are about it, it's not true."


I can't believe these two idiots have no idea.

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