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Mingyu woke up to the sound of someone laughing in the downstairs.
What a weird dream he had. What did it tell about again? Underwater world, was it?
Mingyu laughed at himself and turned to his other side in his bed.
He looked at the chipped paint on the wall in front of him. He didn't remember his wall being like that before. The room was a lot smaller than Mingyus usual room. The pieces started clicking together slowly. Oh shit...

Mingyu shot up and looked around him.
"It wasn't a dream...?" He whispered to himself. With shaking legs he stood up slowly and walked to the small window. Mingyu looked outside and saw the same view as yesterday. Flying fish and blue people..
"No.... it can't be..." Mingyu backed away from the window while shaking his head. He looked down at his hands. Is this real?

"Mingyuu.. Are you awake yet?" Mingyu heard coming from outside the door. It was Joshua. With wide eyes he ran to the door and held it shut. Why oh why did he come here?
Joshua knocked on the door once. Then twice.
"Mingyu? You there?" Joshua asked and twisted the doorknob. Mingyu kept the door shut with his whole strength.
"M-Mingyu.. Are you okay?" Joshua said, now sounding concerned. Mingyu didn't answer. He needed to think a way to escape. Only way out would be through the window but if Mingyu let go from the door, Joshua could come inside.

"I- I'm not feeling well.. Leave." Mingyu said with an unsteady voice. Joshua stopped trying to get in and changed his voice to a more calming one.
"Mingyu. I think you're in a shock. We don't know how you got here from your world, but it seems you're not getting out in a while.. Let us help, please?" Mingyu listened to every word and he could hear Joshua actually caring about him, so he slowly let go of the door.
Joshua didn't open the door immediately, but instead he opened it slowly as a way of showing Mingyu that there is no threat.

Mingyu looked at Joshua who stood in the door frame and looked at Mingyu with a small smile on his face.
"What do you mean I'm not getting out of here? I could just swim out, right?" Mingyu asked and waited for an answer. Joshua took a step closer to him while keeping his hands visible so Mingyu wouldn't be scared of him. Joshua looked at Mingyu sadly and spoke.
"Let's go downstairs and let us explain."

All four males were now sitting downstairs at the table. Joshua and his boyfriends had explained everything to Mingyu and waited for his reaction.
"So you're telling me... I can't go back to 'my world' because outside of your bubble thingy there's some dangerous things that would kill me?" Mingyu repeated.
"Really, it's a miracle that you didn't die on your way here.." Seungcheol shook his head.
"But, I can't stay here with out a registration or a job, plus they will take me to prison if they get to know that I'm not from here?" Mingyu questioned again. The three males nodded their heads in sync. Mingyu sighed.

"You know, I don't think it's that bad to go in prison! You would be fine there, I promise!" Jeonghan tried to lift the mood. His boyfriends shot him an angry glare, meaning that he should shut up now. Jeonghan took the advise and shut his mouth again.
"So my options are either dying here or in the sea..?" Mingyu looked up again and stared at the males. Joshua, Seungcheol and Jeonghan looked at each other awkwardly.
"Don't think it like that—" Joshua started.
"How else can I think it?! My life is over! I can't get out, but I can't stay either, so what you're saying is that I should stay in your little house and die here?!!" Mingyu yelled and stood up. He walked out of the kitchen to his room and slammed the door shut.

Mingyu fell on the bed and started crying. Well not crying, he more like started to hyperventilate. Mingyu had battled with anxiety for a long time so he knew the signs of a panick attack.
He tried to think of what usually made him calm down, but he could only think Taeyong. No one else could never make him calm down when he had a panick attack. Mingyu got down from the bed onto his knees and crawled to the corner of the room. He hugged his knees while he tried to focus on his breathing.
He sat there for god knows how long, until he had finally calmed down and was ready to go downstairs again.

When Mingyu arrived at the livingroom he was met with three pairs of guilty looking eyes.
"Sorry guys. I shouldn't have yelled like that at you. It's just that.... I still can't understand everything and I really hate being not able to control everything around me.." Mingyu explained and sat down opposite the males.
"It's okay Mingyu. We get it, must be so hard for you right now.." Seungcheol said sympathetically. He sat down next to Mingyu and patted the latters back while nodding sadly.

"If you don't mind, we found you a potential job. You could have a better chance of getting out of here alive when you have a job," Jeonghan opened his mouth again. Joshua, who was sitting next to Jeonghan, slapped lightly at his hand but then turned to look at Mingyu. "That's a bit roughly said, but Jeonghan's right. This town is full of elderly people so they want to keep everyone who is able to work," Joshua told Mingyu.
Mingyu nodded and waited them to tell what the job would be. It took a little bit until the three males understood his sign, then Seungcheol took a paper note out of his pocket.
He handed the note over to Mingyu, who then read it out aloud.

"Dear citizens. We are looking a young, preferably male, worker to assist us inside the palace. We will specify what the actual job would be after you've passed a security test.
We can't tell a specific amout of money you will get paid, but you can wait a larger amout.
The job requires a good physical health and great nerves.
Registration for the job will start at 7:30AM, tomorrow, in the palace front hall.
Please come if you're interested!"

When Mingyu had finished reading the letter he turned to look at the males who were staring at him with sparkling eyes.
"That would be perfect for you!" Jeonghan clapped his hands.
"You fit the description, plus you would get a good pay," Seungcheol nodded in thought.
"But what will I do when they ask my identity? They probably want to know who I am. It is a work inside the palace after all.." Mingyu said, little suspicious of the job. Seungcheol and Jeonghan looked at Joshua who was still thinking.

"Hmmm.. That is true, but I think that once they see you, they don't want to lose you because you'd be perfect for the job," Joshua said while nodding his head. "Plus it's a known fact that the king likes to look at good looking faces rather than average looking, so.." Jeonghan added. His boyfriends looked at him with a surprised look. "C'mon you can't say that he isn't k-kinda goodlooking.." Jeonghan quickly defended his words, but Joshua assured him with his hand.

Mingyu shook his head and laughed at Jeonghan and Joshua. Seungcheol was also laughing with him, until Mingyu spoke again.
"Thank you guys.. Maybe I'll try this, but will I need your help.."

"Of course. Let's get the whole gang together!"

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