Prologue: A look into the past

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Midnight quickly ran into the closet of her sisters room, as her foster sister Destiny instructed her. Midnight closed the closet door and curled up in the right corner of the closet, hiding behind clothes. She bit down on her lip and brought her legs to her chest when Destiny and her foster dad started screaming at each other.

Midnight was regretting disobeying her sisters and straying into her foster dad's and mother's part of the house. She wasn't suppose to be there. No one was unless their foster dad or Mom said otherwise.

The screaming began to increase and for a few moments Midnight contemplated whether or not she should try to stop the two. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the bedroom door slam against the wall followed by the sound of skin on skin contact. She knew the sound very well since she was around it so often.

"I told you about disrespecting me Destiny. You know you ain't supposed to be around this part of the house. Not while your mom is home." Denis, Midnight's foster dad spoke.

Quiet sobs echoed off the walls as tears fell down Destiny's cheeks as she sat on the floor. She hated it. She hated her life because of all the things she had to go through. She hated the demon called Denis. He claimed to be a father to her, Midnight, and the other girls but they all knew the truth.

Maybe the townsfolk believed in Denis's lies, but his foster daughters knew the truth. Denis's wife knew the truth, yet she never helped. If anything she was an accomplice, but from time to time a victim too.

"I-I...hate y-you." Destiny spat at Denis with so much venom in her voice making sure he got the message.

"What?" Denis questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"I said I hate you!" Destiny jumped to her feet and screamed. She immediately regretted her sudden boldness. Denis was livid with Destiny and he knew what he'd do next.

Midnight heard the words Destiny spoke and clasped her hands together tightly praying for her sister. For a few moments there was a deadly silence that lingered in the air. Then, it came the time for Denis to strike. Denis marched towards Destiny and for every step he took she took two back towards the left wall. She made sure to avoid going near the closet where she knew her precious sister hid. She wanted to protect Midnight as much as she could because she loved the girl. Midnight was young and innocent and she didn't need to go through so much pain so young. Destiny and her foster sisters were all so protective of each other and especially Midnight since they wanted a better life for her.

"Dizzy?" Midnight whispered when she heard the deadly silence still linger.

Curiosity ate at the girl so she laid flat on her stomach and opened the closet door slightly. At first there was nothing, no noise and no one to be seen, and then all there was, was chaos.Nothing could have prepared Midnight for what she was about to see. The sight that met her eyes scarred her and traumatized her.

What Midnight saw that day was just the beginning of her trauma. Midnight had been born into darkness but after that day she chose to stay there.

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