Chapter 1: Battle of Vertash

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As the Lotharian Order made their way across Vertash, The Slyborne House was in a mass movement system. Mages of all kinds and races scurried about from room to room, conversing quickly with each other as Astra and the others began to talk among each other to plan out their defenses and when they could move over to offenses. Lelli was worried on Tessele's shoulder. Lina and Malanie were on standby as they seemed to be waiting for the other members to come and join their presence in the meeting room.

    "At a moment like this, they want to run late. This is unacceptable." Astra spoke into her clenched hands, her tone a lot more serious than ever.
    "I can't believe they are actually here. What could they possibly want that we have?" Lina asked.
    "Souls, Lina." Astra answered. "They come to our lands, thinking they can and pick over whom they choose, but they are seriously mistaken. We will drive them out and wipe out their soldiers."
    "We're all right behind you, Astra." Tessele said right before the door opened before Nakiasha made it through the door, panting.
    "And where were you, Ms. Nakiasha?" Astra asked with a raised eyebrow.
    "I'm sorry! There were so many people in the hallways, it was hard to move through them." she looked up from bending over with her hands on her knees. "Don't worry, Elizar and Colton should be on their way."
    "Good. Then, we get the plans started. I only hope our small forces now are enough to keep them distracted and out of the main center of Vertash."
    "My Grace!" a mage opened the door quickly, slamming it against the wall in a panic. "They made it into the mainland of Vertash!"

Everyone in the room shook with surprisement, seeing the fearful eyes of the man at the door. Astra looked down at her hands, seeing they were slightly glowing from the increased power that was building up. Everyone else was quiet, waiting to see what she would do.

    "There's no choice. We must move now." Astra looked up to everyone, getting several nods in return.


All the foot soldiers before lay in the streets as civilians began to run in terror as corpses of all kinds were sprawled about. Gazing around at her work, the soldiers walked into multiple buildings, taking out people and bringing them over to Arthur and Velrissa. Ereldra walks over, inspecting the ones they captured while more men and women begin to raid more buildings, cleaning them out and setting unwanted things on fire or destroying them.

    "What about these, Mistress Ereldra? Arthur asked, watching his leader pace back and forth.
    "A good find indeed. Three of them have potential. Grab and lead them back to the ships. The others, cattle." Ereldra ordered the soldiers.

Across the way from the mayhem and screaming, Mathias peered out of his shop. He was working a late shift, helping a friendly band of adventurers with their weapon sharpness. Before the attack, Mathias wondered why the town was fairly quiet. Usually, he saw maybe one or two mages going around and asking questions, making sure that Vertash and the neighboring town of Rayton were also safe. Now seeing the invaders in red and several big bosses standing around the center, he knew very well why it was so quiet for the past days.

    "This is very bad. I might need to gather up my old friends in Afalim. By the looks of it, it seems they came from the ocean. Got to get out of here quietly." Mathias went to the back of his store, opening a chest of weapons and armor that he remembered well from his past. When he was suiting up, he heard another blast that shook his entire place of business. Looking out one of the windows in front, he saw another household burning to the ground. "Hope those mages get here soon." he said to himself, rushing out the backdoor and hopping on his brown stallion horse, riding off to Afalim.


Back in the city of Galahdor, the place was being evacuated while several defense forces were being set up in case any of the enemy soldiers made it through. Astra was overseeing the defenses and the far-off fires that smoked up the air. Her rage was boiling over, but very little escaped out of her. Tessele and Malanie were getting ready to head into battle.

    "Just like old times, right Tessele? Us two partnered up to stop someone trying to end the world." Malanie spoke with excitement in her voice.
    "It's been a while since I had to fight with a purpose." Tessele responded, surprising her friend in battle.
    "With a purpose? Then what happened at the black market was without a purpose?" Malanie questioned, putting on her gauntlets.
    "I was defending my allies and homeland. That was just instincts. This, demons and blood circles. That's a purpose to stop them." she spoke, looking at her friend with a determined smile. "Now, let's go clean up the mess."

Malanie nodded and walked out the door, walking along the upstairs balcony as saw Lina at the far end of the staircase. There, they saw her clothing was different in looks as well as colors. Her cloak was now a deep blue and more full with a rune on the back in a light shade of blue that was more shiny. Her initial clothing was mostly white with secondary colors of black and yellow. She turned her head, smiling at her teachers and removing her cloak from her head.

    "Well well, look at our young student. It almost seemed like yesterday, you were here learning just how to control the world around you. Now look at you." Malanie smiled proudly at the young half-elf.
    "You look ready for battle, Lina." Tessele acknowledged.
    "Astra believed I was ready for battle, so she assigned me to help you and Malanie. She wants us on the front lines." Lina looked between the two as they blinked at each other in clear confusion.
    "Us?" they both asked in almost perfect unison.
    "Yup!" Lelli popped her head out from Lina's shoulder. "I'm helping too."
    "Lelli? Are you sure you want to do this?" Tessele asked, clearly worried for the fairy's well-being.
    "Yes, I do. Ever since I helped Lina the first time with the orcs, I've been wanting to use my gift more and more. To control it much better. Please, let me help."

Malanie placed her hand on Tessele's shoulder and nodded to her. The archmage sighed and relaxed herself, knowing that everyone would be alright once they entered battle and became comfortable with their roles.

    "Alright, here is what we'll do. Astra told us that Elizar and Colton are both driving back the Lotharian forces. Me and Malanie will meet with them and aid in their defenses. You two will meet up with Nakiasha and secure the forest path between Rayton and Galahdor. All clear?" Tessele explained the plans, gazing at them all to see each one nodding. "Alright, my the gods watch you Lina and Lelli. Move out!"

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