Chapter 4: When Titans Collide

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Rayton was close to almost being in ruins. The sky was coated with a heavy blanket of smoke from nearby burnt-down houses and businesses. Even Lina's home where she made potions and other helpful items was raided and ransacked. Several squadrons of the invaders were still marching around, searching for whatever they could salvage or reap from others. Nearby, in a closed-off cul-de-sac, a multitude of colors and screams were on display as two very talented mages were fending off a number of the Lotharian soldiers. One was dressed in very casual clothes, a black shirt with silver pattern designs and deep blue leather pants with brown strapped shoes. The other was less than casual as he adorned the original colors of the Slybourne Family in his ceremonial robes. He was taller than his partner before taking a quick scan around them.

    "That seems to be the last of them. They're organized, I'll give them that." the casually dressed spoke. He stood up correctly while trying his best to think of where they came from and why here.
    "True, but they are too dependent on their weapons and not their body movement. Too stiff if they want to dodge magic." the second looked over to his friend, fixing the cuffs on his robes that had gotten loose during the fight. "Any ideas yet, Colton?" Elizar asked, knowing that he would be thinking once they stopped fighting.
    "Honestly, nothing. These colors I've definitely seen before, but for whatever reason they are here makes no sense to me, no matter how complicated it may seem." Colton shook his head.

Colton and Elizar were very well known in the house of mages. They were given the title Brothers of Slybourne, mostly because they were practically inseparable through their years of growing up. Colton was a quick thinker. Whenever he had the time, he would always analyze and break down whatever current situation or puzzle he was stuck on. With that being said, he was also no slouch when it came to combat. Most couldn't understand it, but his style of fighting was always mixed with the likes of close to mid-range magic and hand-to-hand. Colton believed it was because of the teachings he had received from his father. Far off in the Selarin Island is where Colton lived, made noticeable from the black markings on his head. His skin was tanned with silver hair that was tied in a dread mohawk combination. His eyes were silver, just like the distinguished color of his magical attributes. He takes pride in his life and father, remembering everything he could.

    "Maybe, it's not as complicated as we think, my friend." Elizar spoke, kneeling down to one of the incapacitated foes that Colton knocked out. Elizar hovered his hand over him, glowing slightly as he tilted his head slightly. "Hmmm, no sign of being reanimated or anything. These are all separate living beings. Whoever the leader is has a huge following."
    "You could sense that? That's amazing." Colton complimented, kneeling beside his partner as he pointed to the small pin on the body's shoulder. "See that?"
    "Indeed. The Lotharian Order. Should've known from the colors." Elizar shook his head, looking around, seeing that the order that had been around for longer than the Slybourne House had clearly held more than several fleets for this invasion.

Elizar was one of the most trustworthy elves you could possibly meet within the mages' palace. Once just a small bookworm that walked everywhere with a collection of knowledge turned into a traveler of lore and treasure, well known by almost everyone. Elizar soon found his place for certain when he returned after several months on a trip he knew was going to be crucial for the time to come. Being raised in a rural village of Iho on the northern side of Ciandra. Elizar was moving from home to home, but mostly spent his time here since he felt a connection in the land that he didn't understand himself until the day he began to look into magic. It was then he discovered himself and his adventurous heart. With fair white skin, faded green hair, and emerald green eyes, he was easily noticeable when it came to those who needed his help.

    "Well, what do we do now? It's not like we can just go back to Astra with this information. She would want us to stay out here and help in push back the advancing forces." Colton questioned, wiping his hands clean and standing from his previous position.
    "That's exactly what she wants us to do." both of the men looked over to see Tessele and Malanie walking towards them, warm smiles on their faces once they were all together. "Looks like you guys were busy round here. No trouble I take it?" Tessele questioned.
    "Not much, nowhere near as we thought. Can't believe they are making a move on this protected land." Elizar crossed his arms. "What is it they seek that this place has?"
    "We suspected they are after an abundance of souls, use them to fuel their Demon Circles and bring more of those insightful creations to our world." Malanie gave them a quick debrief, to which they both turned more serious than they were before.
    "I thought we banished them from our world centuries ago, no they have worked up a tactic to bring them back in secrecy. Even I must say, that is clever thinking." Colton complimented them before looking back at the fallen soldiers around them. "Still doesn't give them the right to come and take as they so please. I say we make our way to their leaders, annihilate anyone we come across and defeat their masters before they even have the chance to still more souls."

Almost like their surroundings were listening in, a wind blew by in a ferocious manner, almost blowing Tessele's hat off before she grabbed onto it and held it down. They all shielded their eyes from the unknown gust of wind before it seemed to calm in a split moment like it never happened.

    "What the hell was that?" Colton looked around, just as confused as the others in the group.
    "That was an introduction."

Each one of the mages looked over to see Zenna walking ever so gracefully up to the group with a sizeable number of soldiers behind her, once again showing the almost limitless supply of hands they needed to pull this off.

    "And you are?" Tessele stepped forward, watching with a careful eye at anything Zenna or her soldiers dared try.
    "My name is Zenna, one of if not the strongest Witch that serves Lord Ereldra. By now, I'm sure you all have witnessed our strength and numbers far exceed yours. Ereldra has sent me with a message for you and the rest of the Slybourne mages. Surrender, and we'll let our captives live. Resist, and their skin will be peeled off the bone." she finished and waited for a response. Tessele looked at her colleagues beside her, all standing shoulder by shoulder.
    "You don't look like any Witch we are familiar with. You don't even look the type to take orders. Why are serving such an order?" Elizar questioned, inspecting the woman from her toes all the way up and stopping at her multicolored eyes, something that ought the attention of the others just as well.
    "That's because I am no lowly Witch. I am simply made to destroy archmages such as Malanie and Tessele here. The other two don't even come close with their combined strength. As for the second question, I am working for Ereldra for the sole reason of respect and loyalty. The Lotharian Order will reign supreme and you all will suffer in chains."
    "Enough!" Tessele said with a booming voice that echoed into the night sky, each of her fingertips glowing a baby blue that all seemed to follow in a singular line that was brought together at the end, forming a matching colored blade that formed right into the hilt with falling crystals that mimicked teardrops. "I will not stand idly by while your kind tries to turn helpless citizens into mindless monsters. You will end right here right now!"

Tessele then summoned a large lightning strike that hit in the middle of the soldiers behind Zenna, multiple of them being thrown off of their feet while those out of the blast radius fell to their knees. Colotn, Elizar, and Malanie all rushed past Zenna to attack the remainders, a light show and display of power and control was raging behind the two. Together, they stared as an ever-so-increasing rise in energy spiked with a small plasma wave charged between the two. Both of them were then in front of each other in the blink of an eye, their forearms pressed against one another. Tessele stared into the eyes of the woman before, wanting nothing more than to turn her into dust. Zenna then held one arm out to the side, a purple sphere quickly concentrated in almost no time. Slipping it under both of their arms that were locked in place, Tessele quickly leaped out of the way, watching as the mass of destructive energy made its way into the air before exploding with a blind light. Tessele covered her eyes before feeling a devastating blow to her stomach and chest. Zenna sent her flying across the ground. Placing two palms into the ground, Tessele managed to catch herself and landed back on her feet. She collected herself, watching as the full clothes foe walked after her with careful steps.

    "Come, let's dance." Zenna motioned for Tessele to charge at her, tempting the archmage.

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