Chapter 4 - Written Exams

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A/N - just for context, Itachi is currently 13 and a captain in the Anbu, the Uchiha massacre happens when Itachi is fourteen.

I'm modelling this chapter off of the Chuunin exams Naruto takes when he's 12.

Also, there's gonna be some OC's in this chapter (Akame and Daichi) Enjoy :))

It was the day of the Chuunin Exams, I had arranged to meet up with my team outside the building we were supposed to go to.

I was the first one to arrive and as I waited for my teammates, many people shot me questioning looks as if they were trying to say "you don't belong here", or "what are you doing here" it was mildly annoying.

After a few minutes of waiting for the other female member in my team, Akame showed up. We chatted for a while before our other teammate, Daichi, arrived.

My main weapons were my katana, kunai and jutsus.

Akame specialised in weapon handling, she preferred setting traps and using her katanas. She also knew very basic medic ninjutsu.

Daichi relied heavily on taijutsu and ninjutsu (though he mainly used taijutsu)

Akame was gorgeous, she had long black hair that went to her waist and sparkling blue eyes. She wore a simple outfit, a black skin-tight tank top with a short, navy blue, skirt.

Daichi was your average male, nothing too special about him, he had short dark brown hair and light brown eyes. He wore a creamy-white tank top with dark brown knee-length shorts. He had bandages running up his legs, probably from training too much.

We walked up two flights of stairs before we were welcomed by a crowd of people, we were instructed to go to room 304. I subtly signalled to my team that we needed to go up another floor, they followed me and we entered without any issues.

After going into the room with all the other test-takers we leaned against the wall by the entrance, many people were looking at us, well me, thinking we would be easy targets.

I saw a desk with no one sat at it, I walked over and sat in a meditative position, and started gathering my chakra. I sat like that for around thirty minutes, completely blocking out my surroundings. Once I had gathered an adequate amount of chakra, I slowly brought myself to be aware of my surroundings once more.

I saw my teammates talking to a man with silver hair, I walked over to them and saw the man explaining his chakra cards. Kabuto, it was Kabuto, he actually did fail the exams seven times then. He said this was his first time and he had gathered information on all the candidates beforehand. I sat down next to Akame and she asked for three cards, the first one being herself, Akame Kyotsu.

"Let's see," Kabuto started

"Akame Kyotsu, 19 D-rank missions, 3 C-rank missions, 1 B-rank mission. Akame specialises in weapon handling, specifically swords and paper bombs. She can be a close-range, mid-range, or long-range attacker. She is in a team with two chuunin and a jounin sensei," I was surprised that she had completed a B-rank mission at her age.

"Next, Daichi Koichi, 15 D-rank missions, 4 C-rank missions, 2 B-rank missions. Daichi is a taijutsu expert, however, he cannot use genjustu or high-level ninjutsus. His main weapons are his brute strength and kunai. He is in a team with a genin, a chuunin, and a jounin sensei. The genin didn't want to take part in this years chuunin exams, hence why they're not here." I was shocked by the amount of information he had on my two teammates.

"Last, but certainly not least, Y/N Uchiha. The newest prodigy of the Uchiha clan, the girl graduated from the academy after 3 months and entered the chuunin exams straight after becoming a genin. She has never been on any official missions, however, she has joined her older brother on 2 A-rank missions, 7 B-rank missions, 4 C-rank missions, and 12 D-Rank missions." My teammates stared at me in awe.

"She is a close-range fighter who is an expert in shuriken Jutsu and the handling of her katana. I do not know of her genjutsu abilities, but considering she's an Uchiha, she can likely cast high-level genjutsus. She can use an array of fire jutsus as well as being able to coat her sword in either lightning or fire chakra. She currently does not have a team and is trained by her older brother, Itachi, and his friend, Shisui, who both belong to the Uchiha clan." Kabuto finished.

I immediately started thinking of formations and strategies to aid us during the second exam. My thinking was cut short when Ibiki came in through the door.

"My name is Ibiki Morino, the proctor for the first exam."

He began to explain the first exam, I tuned him out already knowing what I had to do. Once the tests were handed out I flipped through the questions, and thanks to my 18 gruelling years in school, I knew the answer to all of them.

It was honestly just basic math, I finished within 10 minutes and placed my pen on top of the paper. I noticed Daichi struggling, but decided not to help him as it wouldn't matter anyway.

I began storing some chakra, I was using the method Tsunade uses, I had already been storing chakra for a few years and I had two small, black, diamonds on the palms of my hands. I did wonder why they were black instead of purple, but I paid no mind to it.

I was trying to increase the amount of chakra each diamond can hold, currently, it was around half of my normal chakra for each diamond.

The time for the tenth question arrived, I had faith in my teammates, they were strong-willed and I knew that they wouldn't let their comrades fail because of them.

Out of the fifty-ish students that we started with there were around thirty left after the first exam.

Crashing through the window with a burst of energy entered Anko, Ibiki looked at her with a disapproving stare while everyone else looked at her in confusion.

"Yo! My name's Anko, the proctor of the second exam. There sure are a lot left Ibiki, I'll make sure to get rid of at least half of them," Anko glared at us with a wicked smirk.

A/N - Sorry this chapter was kinda lacklustre, but the next one's gonna have some epic fight scenes!! I hope lmao it's hard to write fight scenes.

I hope you like Daichi and Akame (i didn't steal their names from anime, definitely not.)

Anyways I hope you liked the chapter :)

Word count: 1151


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