A Powerful Bond Created

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The next day, you were walking to school and you couldn't believe what happened last night. It was like a dream which was impossible to happen, talking to your idols, BTS. The most astonishing thing is that they are all heroes undercover! At school you were waiting every second to pass for you to meet your idols at 6p.m. Finally the time has come but suddenly a thought came in your head.

The members trusted you to be someone responsible so you must control your emotions and be someone who is less excited but more responsible. You were waiting under the bus stop and you glanced at your watch. It's 6p.m! You heard some foot steps behind your back. Your heart started pounding very fast. When you turned around, it was them, the BTS members.

- I need to stay calm and show that I am reliable. You repeated to yourself. All the members greeted you warmly and you proceeded to greet them also.

-RM: Hi! I see that you are on time. Thanks we appreciate it.

- It's my commitment after all.

- Jin: Today we were planning to show you our hideout as we are on the same team right?

- Yeah, let's go!

They asked you to follow them until you reached a wall made of bricks in a narrow alley. There was a poster on the wall but behind it, there was a small device connected to a wall where a password needed to be inserted. The members looked around them to see if anybody was there and then RM proceeded to insert the code.

- J-hope: This is very confidential, you should never tell anyone the code.
It is 29070592. He whispered.

- Don't worry, I am your teammate, I won't betray you.

- Suga: So, let's go inside.

When you went inside, the wall slowly closed behind your back and suddenly all the lights went on. Their headquarter was really sophisticated with all the machines and the big screen to locate criminals. In the middle, there was a huge table and a big holographic projection of South korea's map.

- Suga: Well, what do you think about it?

- Wow!! I'm amazed. It's incredible! You use this projection to locate enemies right?

- Jungkook: Yes, everytime a person is in danger, an alarm goes off.

- Jimin: This is really nice, but we have a surprise for you.

They took out a box and showed it to you.

- J-hope: Open it!

You opened the box and inside there was a pretty bracelet and a purple gem in the middle.

-RM: Do you like it?

- Of course it's splendid!

- Suga: But it is more than a usual bracelet, it has powers.

- Jin: We were thinking about your invisibility power. We wanted to give you a gift so it could be more practical.

- Taehyung: When you want to turn invisible you press on the gem and when you want to be normal again you press on it again.

- Jungkook: It will be better for us when we will fight criminals.

- Thank you very much! It will help me soo much during school hours too.

- Jimin: But be careful to not lose. It could be dangerous for a normal human being to touch it. You have to keep it only for you.

- How could I lose a gift, give by the BTS members themselves!

° ° ° awkward silence ° ° °

- Sorry... I got a little too excited.

- RM: It's OK don't worry.

- Suga: Don't worry, we won't judge you. He said with a reassuring smile.
I think it's time to explain to you how we fight criminals and our strategies.

- Jungkook: We don't go together every time. As you have seen, Jin was fighting the kidnapper alone. It depends on the intensity of the crime.

- Taehyung: Sometimes we go alone, in pairs or by three. For criminals who we think are more dangerous we go all together.

- Jimin: We mostly fight during the night but sometimes we are compelled to fight during the day.

- J-hope: For the fights during the day we have to be more careful and keep our identity unknown or else it could be a big problem.

- Jin: I think you have noticed that we all have to wear costumes. We mostly keep it black to not be noticed.

- RM: I think y/n also should have a costume right?

- I would love to!

- Jungkook: So we will think about a design.

- Taehyung: Let's not forget. Every time we finish dealing with a criminal, Jin will hypnotize him and make him forget what he had seen. Sounds challenging, but we have to do it.

- Does the police know who you guys are?

- Suga: They know that we are here to help them but don't know our real identity.

- Okay

- RM: So it's all for today but before you go, we have to give you another important thing.

- Jin: As you can see, we all have similar watches. Actually it's a way to communicate when we are far away from each other. If ever your help will be needed, we will call you on the watch. Here is one for you.

Jin then gave you a watch.

- I have another question, what if there is an urgence and I am stuck at school?

- Taehyung: We were about to get to this point. Actually the watch that we gave you is the answer to your question. Remember when Suga took some details about you yesterday, it was for this

- J-hope: RM and Suga worked on something, I think they should explain it to you.

- Suga: We thought about an hologram, we named it Iridessa. The projection is already stored in your watch. Now we will explain to you how it works.

- RM: Whenever there is an urgence, your watch will vibrate. As soon as you have the signal, you must quickly go and hide somewhere. You will have to press this button right here and insert the code which is 130613.

- Suga: Just after the code is inserted, Iridessa will be projected. You will see another option near the projection where you will have to select the day and schedule that you want Iridessa to perform. It will be exactly like you, no one will notice anything.

- RM: Don't worry, we also thought about your studies. All the notes and explanations will be stored in Iridessa, so you can catch-up whenever you have time to do so. You better do well in your exams, or else, I'll shave your eyebrows. He said while laughing.

- You are truly geniuses. You built that in one single night! That's very thoughtful to think about my studies and don't worry you won't have to shave my beautiful eyebrows. You said with a mischievous grin.

- Jin: Actually, the watch has another function too. If you turn invisible, we will be able to see you as we are wearing the watch too, so it will be more easy for us.

- This watch is really amazing!
Thanks a lot for everything. It was like a dream to even talk to you but now we are teammates. It's unbelievable. Thank you for letting me in your team, it's an honor. I will do my best not to disappoint you. I thought that I was the only one different in this world but now I finally feel like in a family.
Was it too much...? Sorry...

- J-hope: Of course not. We are very happy to have you on our team and really look forward for your help while dealing with criminals.

- Suga: Well, see you next time, we will call you when there will be an urgence. He said while patting your shoulder.

- Goodbye everyone!

You made your way home, building castles in the air. You could barely suppress a smile. Clearly one of the best day of your life, so far!

A/n : Hi there! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter :) Chapter 4 is in process and I will TRY to post it next weekend. Till then stay tune ;)

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