The Black line (part 1)

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Christan had asked Arderia to leave her. She wanted to be alone. Thinking of her brother's murder made her want to scream. She sometimes just wanted to take her life because of it.

I just want to die, Christan thought. Life is turning into a piece of crap. I wanna run away to a place where none will disturb me.

Christan sighed. Life just seemed to be getting tougher and tougher. Sometimes she would sit and wonder how was she still alive? Lupus had been the only happiness she was able to laugh along with. Sure there were others, but no one seems to understand Christan like Lupus. The lack of her parents' presence affected her a lot too.

Okay, Christan time to face the truth. You are doing to meet a wacko lady who is like 'I came in your house and rule it, so you better obey me'. Why would she want to know about the Black Line? Its story is quite famous.

Okay, let us go to the washroom and spend a freaking hour to get ready!

Christan went in the washroom, got dressed in 3.25 minutes and then started roaming around the washroom for 16.75 minutes. Then she started jumping and shouting nonsense at the top of her lungs causing people to constantly rush to make sure if everything was okay.

Christan kept on staring at Dr. Agatha, who was walking around the room lost in thought. The girl just kept staring and coming up with the most brutal ways to kill Dr. Agatha. After 20 minutes of killing Dr. Agatha over and over, Christan spoke up.

"Do you want to hear the story?"

"Oh, yeah of course, Why not?"

Cause you are lost in your dream world and if hadn't spoke, we would be here forever.

The doctor sat in front of the girl. Christan took a deep breath.

"The his-"

"Wait! I need some water."

Christan gave Dr. Agatha I-will-kill-you-for-interrupting-my-wonderful-speech look when the lady wasn't looking.

"Okay, please start."

"The hist-"

"Wait! I just wanted to say sorry. So sorry for interrupting you."

Christan nodded and smiled at her. I am defiantly killing this woman, she thought.

"The histo-"


Now what?

"Are you comfortable?"

Yes, I am so comfortable that I may jump you all the way to hell.

"Yes, I am fine. Thank you. The histor-"

"You are welcome"

What in the freaking world is wrong with her!!!

Christan smiled and said,

"The history-"

"I am so sorry for interrupting you all the time. I just wanted to say sorry."

Seriously, woman! Are you a human? or what?!

"That is fine. Now please don't interrupt me. The history o-"

"Okay I won't."


Christan took and deep breath and started telling the story. This time there was no interruption.

"The history of the Black Line is very brutal and long but I will summarize it for you. Long ago, there was a tribe known for producing the best soldiers. They produced both men and women soldiers. Though on the battlefields, they were the fiercest but on land they were the kindest. The tribe was an ancient one that followed all its traditions. They lived simple lives by rules. The tribe was called Al-Silva."

"But when the population grew, the founders of Hensberg moved in with them. They welcomed us warmly. They were the people of the forests. But our founders were modernized. They had machinery and they built big mansions. This act wasn't appreciated by the Silvan tribe. They at once asked for the machines to leave."

"The founders agreed at once and thought it would be best to live with nature's way. Their lives went from good to great and the people of Silva taught them their ways and traditions. But when all that was happening, the western sides of the country asked for independence. They were being treated cruelly by the government."

"The Western side was a poor part of the country. The people of that place were being taken for slaves, beaten for fun and having their body parts cut just for fun. Parts of the government were working tirelessly to stop in but it seemed impossible. The king, Edward Barch, enjoyed this. He had no respect for the poor. He thought they were worthless."

"Our neighboring country decided to help and break free the Western side and many of their areas from King Edward's rule and to dethrone him so the rightful heir, Prince James could take the throne. King Edward was Prince James' cousin who had taken the throne right after his father's death."

"The Silvan people supported the western side for they themselves were tiered of the King's foolishness. So they decided to send their armies over to neighboring country. While the attack was being planned, news reached King Edward and he also started planning war. 15 days before the attack, King Edward declared war and the neighboring country accepted it. But King Edward asked the people of Silva to fight with him."

"They refused. They said they stood with the innocent. King Edward didn't like the response. So he and his armies attacked ancient Hensberg causing the people of Silva to fled. He did the attack at midnight when they were in the middle of a festival, there armies were resting and their defenses were down."

"All the people of the tribe were celebrating at cheering their young soldiers who soon would be part of war. This was the time when the people of Silva were weakest. No one knew about this time even the founders. It was a secret time, a time the forests whispered about. A time when the strongest were the weakest."

"How did Edward know when to attack at such a time?" Dr. Agatha looked at Christan and sighed.

"King Edward was told about this time. The people of Silva were betrayed. They were betrayed by their own. They were betrayed by the people they trusted the most."

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