Part 1.5

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"Ellie has been a great student and we are going to be sending her work off too many professional Photographers. Getting feedback and more but we will send it off to get graded first. Afterwards, certain pieces of the photography will be available to be brought however Ellie is still yet to decide which ones she will be selling. Thank you for coming and support." People were leaving. I walked to the Cullen's. "Lots of work ahead." "Yes, but it is chill until Friday." "Don't forget Wednesday." "Oh yes." I got my stuff and was saying bye to people. The Cullen's and Sam's lot went. Dad and Bella left. I saw Jake. I hugged him. "Well done Loca." "Thanks." We went to the beach and we spent time. Suddenly, I was feeling ill. "Jake can you take me home?" "sure" I got home and said bye. Dad and Bella came, "you hungry." "actually, I am going to sleep." "Ok, ring if you need us." I nodded and they left.

I locked the door and went to my room. I put my stuff down and turned my alarm on then got in bed. I fell asleep and I was in pain. Alice couldn't see my future; jasper couldn't feel my emotions and Edward couldn't read mind later that evening. Alice was ringing me. "Pick up. Pick up." It went to voicemail. "Alice?" "Ellie isn't answering her phone." "I will ask Sam to try." He rung Sam and asked. Meanwhile at Sam's house, Sam just got off the phone. "Paul, phone superstar." He did and put it on loud speaker. Nothing. "That is weird." The next morning, I woke up and went to have a shower. I went to open my wardrobe but I swiped my hand and it opened itself. I got change and went to dad with my bag.

"Dad?" "El, are you ok? It looks like you have seen a ghost." "I am a witch." "what?" I produced a flame in my hand and put it out. "How?" "I don't know." "Ok, just be careful. We can't tell Sam or Carlisle yet." "I know. Can you help me later with?" "Yeah, I need to know." I nodded and said bye. I got to school and Alice came over. She hugged me. I hugged her then let go. "You had me worried. You didn't pick up your phone." I looked at my phone, "I was tired and I fell asleep." "Ellie, I can't see your future anymore. Edward can't read your mind." "I don't know about it." "Are you ok? You look pale." "I am fine. I have to go." I walked off and the rest of the Cullen's came over. "Something has happened." "I believe so." I went and did the day. I reached Bella, "can we go?" "Sure." We got in the truck and left.

We ate with dad then Bella went to speak to her mum. Me and dad was reaching. Suddenly a grimoire appeared in my hand. I looked at the message and read it so did dad. "You were supposed to be a witch. You can practice and more. Just be careful. Don't let people see." "I won't." I went upstairs and practice. It was Wednesday and I was getting the team warmed up. Edward has been missing since the biology incident. Everyone arrived and I met the other captain. We kicked off. It was going well. In first 25 minutes, I scored and we started again. It got to half time and we were 4-0. I went to dad. He passed my water. "Doing well kiddo. A few more goals." "I will get a hat trick in the second half." "You do and take away on me as well as a party for your 18 next year." "Ok." I joined the team. We kicked the second half off. I scored 2 more. We had 5 minutes left; I scored my third."

Game ended and I was picked up by the team. "WE'RE GOING TO THE FINAL!" They set me down and we went to our parents. I got lots of hugged. Sam picked me up. "We are celebrating at the beach tonight." "Ok. I will be back." I went to the Cullen's and they all hugged me. "Congratulations and you are celebrating with us tomorrow." "I can't wait." They went home. We all went to beach and was celebrating. Sam told everyone to be quiet. "As you know it is a special night. Not only her exhibition was a hit. Her team made it to the final. Well done superstar. Also, we send our support for what grade you get Friday. Cheers." "Cheers." We all carried on. "El do a speech." "No." "Come on." "Okay, okay. Paul shut up."   

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