Annalise Walker is a photographer. And very good one, so good that Harry Styles wants a photo shoot from her. But what will happen if one wants more than the flirtationship they have formed.
(Soft Harry Fanfic.)
We met today at some kind of landscape by water, it was beautiful. I loved it. The one thing I was scared of however, was seeing him again. He came out in white shorts, no shirt. "We figured he could go without a shirt this time since you would probably take it off anyway." Danny said. I give a slight nod. He stands out infront of me and I hold up my camera. "Just...just uh....just give me how your feeling I guess..." I say. This is my way of seeing how he feels. "What do you mean?" "Like for a facial if your happy, ya know?" He nods and I hold the camera up again. I take a picture.
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I look down at the pictures and back up at him. He nods at me and walks away. I look back at Jane who heard the whole conversation and motioned for me to go talk to him. I took a deep breath trying to keep my poker face. I walked over to him. "Harry...." he ignored me and kept walking. "Harry!" This time he looked but didn't say anything. "Harry Styles!" He turned and looked at me, still not saying anything. "What's up." I say. He shrugs his shoulders. "Can you talk to me?" He shrugs his shoulders. And turns around walking away. "Harry what did I do! I can't fix it or explain myself unless you tell me." "You didn't do anything. I did." He said the last part under his breath. "Harry...." I walk infront of him and take his hands in mine. he closes his eyes and bites his bottom lip hard. I move my hand up and loosely pull his lip out of his mouth. "Don't do that." I say. "" he starts. "I what?" "Don't get it..." "I don't get what?" "You don't know what you do to me." He is right. I don't get it. But I'm not gonna ask. I know better. And I know that he probably won't tell me anyway, it sounds like something he can't explain. I move my hand too his cheek. He puts his own on top of my holding it, his eyes close tightly. "Harry...." He looks like he is struggling. "Do you want me to leave..." I ask. "The better question you want to leave." "Not if you don't want me to." "No, your missing the point." "Do you want to leave." "How long is leaving." I say. "Annalise." "Harry did I hurt you?" He keeps his eyes closed silent. "Annalise just answer the d*mn question." He says between his teeth. "No. I don't want to leave. I want to stay here and talk to you. Well if I'm being completely honest, I don't want to ever leave you but that can't happen can it, so for right now, now that I have the chance, I want to stay here, with you. Now Harry, what did I do." "Anna you didn't do anything but agree with me." "Why does that hurt you. I thought it would make you happy!" "Make me Happy? Anna none of this makes me happy! I want to be with you that's all I've ever wanted but your my god da*m photographer! And....and.....and your to good for me!" He breaks down. He doesn't cry, he doesn't seem like the type of guy to cry, especially in front of me, but he does fall into a chair and plant his face in his hands. "Harry I...." He shakes his head. I stand infront of him and tilt his head up so he is looking at me. "Harry...." "Anna.....I just want you to..." I cut him off kissing him. He grabs my waist and pulls me on his lap. He tastes like peppermint, just straight peppermint. I feel him gripping my Shirt. Taking it in his hands. "Hey!" We hear behind us. I jump off of him and close my eyes. Don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry. "Stop making out and come shoot! We have pictures to take!" It's Danny. He walks away and I keep my eyes closed tight biting my lower lip trying not to cry. "Anna..." I have loosened my lower lip but I'm still breathing heavy. "Anna that shouldn't....shouldn't happen again." I nod and the second he walks away a tear falls. This is gonna be a great 4 months of work.