Part 6: inexperienced photographer

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A/N: I wrote this chapter while im on vacation...the things I do for you guys.

"Do you like tomatoes in your salad?"
I nod.
He pushes a bowl over to me.
"Thanks" I say looking down at my salad playing with it in my fork. He puts his hands on the counter leaning on them in front of me.
"Ok what's wrong."
I look up at him and shake my head.
He rolls his eyes with a smirk and sits down next to me.
"What's wrong."
He moved his hand and tilted my face up to I was looking at him. His touch made my skin melt, burn to a crisp. "Annalise Walker. What is Wrong."
"Harry Styles, Nothing."
He raised one single eyebrow at me.
I roll my eyes.
Yes. Yes there is most definitely something wrong. I have caught feelings for him. I'm admitting it. I can't believe it, but I'm admitting it. There is just something so special about him I don't think I have ever met a man like him. And the thing is, I want to express my feelings so bad but he is He is so freaking Harry. And every girl willing the world freaking loves him. And I guess I just don't want to be one of those girls.
" know I can tell when you lying."
I smirk.
"No you can't."
"Your pupils get bigger, and you bounce your leg."
I look down. My leg was bouncing. I hadn't even realized it. His hand was still on the side of my face practically burning a whole through my cheek at this point.
"Ok maybe your right."
"So then why not tell me."
"Well sir I can't tell you if it's about you." I smile and get up, I need to get his hand away from my face before he lights my whole face on fire. He grabs my arm his hand sliding down to my hand and pulling me back.
"Did I do something..."
"No. No you didn't. See my pupils are still the same size" I open my eyes really big and push my face closer to his.
"What then..."
I shake my head.
"Doesn't matter, just something I've been thinking about is all..."
"Well it matters enough to make you upset." He takes my hand and guides me to the living room and pushes me down on the couch throwing a pillow and a Blanket at me. Grabbing the same and sitting near me.
"Talk to me Anna, I don't bite."
"Harry. No."
"Anna nothing will get solved unless you tell me." I sigh.
"Jane said we were in this Flirtationship thing and all this crap and I was just trying to understand what she meant."
"I know what she means." My head shoots up at him.
He nods.
"Well..."  he smiles.
"You know too." I don't even try to ignore it this time I just lean back on the couch and roll my eyes.
"Ok maybe..."
"I've...I've been thinking about it...that's all." I say. Then I smile.
"What??!!" He says.
"Your pretty." I say truthfully.
He smiles and looks down his eyes stuck to the floor.
"Anyway. Hurry and eat I've got some plans today."
"Oh really? What kind of plans"
"Some plans you'll really like."
I open Instagram. Its a story from this random lady.
I start reading out loud.
"I work in a small clothing store in downtown L.A and yesterday I was working and Harry Styles walked in with a girl, a girl I have never seen of or heard of, they walked through the store and Harry Grabbed her clothes as they laughed together. Then they went to the dressing room and she tried on the clothes finally they came up to the register and I rung them up, then The girl said "Harry Styles what are you doing" and he said "you were right you do look good in everything, especially these, so I'm buying them for you." And all I'm saying is....does Harry Styles have a new Girlfriend?????" I read. He surprises me and laughs.
"Fans are weird aren't they huh."
"I....uh I guess..."
"Come on."
He walks me out to his car and we leave. He hands me his phone
"2194" he tells me and I unlock his phone going to the music.
I put on a my favorite song at that moment.
Death Bed by Powfu.
"Why this song?" He asks me.
"Not sure. It's my favorite right now."
"Right now?"
"It will change soon."
He smiles.
He pulls up to the beach.
"Ahh so this is why you told me to wear a swim suit." It was getting dark, the perfect time to be at the beach. I smile wide. He notices and I see his smile grow too.
"You like the beach?" He asks me.
"Like is an understatement"
He smiles.
We get out and I practically run to the waves. I splash around for a second then decide to dive into the waves, feeling the cool water in my face. I pull my face above water and see Harry clapping behind me. It's dark now. And beautiful. I get up and walk over to him. He smiles. He runs his fingers through my hair.
"Your hair is a mess."
I smile.
"I know."
Our feet are in the water. I take his hand and pull him deeper into the water.
"Don't you dare push me in."
"I know...I know you care about your hair more than me." He say with a smirk. He rolls his eyes.
It is at this moment I realize how close we are. I'm practically touching him.  He is shirtless. He is smiling.
His smile grows.
"Annalise Walker..."
"Harry Styles."
"Your beautiful."
My cheeks turn red, and feel hot.
"Your beautiful..." I say.
He smiles.
"I'm beautiful?" He says.
"I...uh sorry...I just..."
"No no no it's fine....I like it better." His smile is so cute.
I smile and look down at the waves hitting my feet.
"Can I have a hug?" He asks in the most softest voice ever imaginable. I smile and hug him. I can feel the warmth fall through him. It radiates off of his body. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my around his neck, I lay my head on his shoulder and he puts his chin on my head.
"I have been thinking a lot today..." he says still not letting go of our hug.
"Well I hope so." I say keeping the joking manner alive. I can feel his smile. He looses from the hug to look at me, however still keeping his hands at my waist. The waves hit our ankles.
He smiles.
"What were you thinking about Harry Styles." I say and his smile grows.
I drop my head to look down at the waves again.
He tilts it back up so I'm look at him.
He smiles,leans in and I feel his lips briefly slide across mine. He looks down at me smiling.
Harry Freaking Styles just kissed me. Me. Not Some model, that he can very easily get. Me.
My eyes are still closed, I'm trying to piece this all together still.
"Harry Styles."
"Annalise Walker."
"Kiss me again."
"Kiss me again."
I feel his lips touch mine, not as soft this time, however still pretty gentle. One hand still on my face, the other at my waist. He breaks from the kiss. I open my eyes this time and he is smiling.
" just kissed me." He nods.
"Twice." He says.
He nods again
He smirks.
"Why not."
"You could've had any model on the street, any of them! There's a million in L.A right now...and you chose the inexperienced photographer."
"Inexperienced? Inexperienced in what?"
I laugh.
"Kissing, sex, being sexy...basically anything that has to do with love."
He actually laughed.
"Your beautiful Anna." He says out of no where.
"Oh so that's why you kissed me." I joke
I start to pull away and he grabs my hips again pulling me back.
"You think I'm done?" He says leaning forward again. This time he isn't Gentle, he kisses me aggressively, while still being as sweet as a butterfly. He tastes like candy, literal candy. I move my hands to his hair, it's soft, and that doesn't surprise me.
He breaks from our kiss, however our foreheads still together.
"You taste like the ocean"
He makes me feel warm inside. With everything he does, and says. It is at this point I knew, I had been falling, for Harry Styles.

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