The Future Past

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It is 17 years in the future and many of Earth's cities have been wiped out by a mysterious threat. The Z-Fighters are nowhere to be seen, yet signs of struggle are still prominent with craters abound the area.

It has been so many years since they appeared on this planet from nowhere and wiping out all my friends. The guilt I still live with to this day for leaving and not fighting when I could have, eats me up every day. I keep reasoning that I made them a promise and that is why I left, has done nothing to salvage myself. Goku and Vegeta did not want kids that would have to live in a place with no father so they had me promise that I would raise them as warriors and raise them with all the love and care a father should. I do not know the first thing about raising children, yet I still promised them anyway. "hey are you okay? It looked like you were spacing out again" I turn around to see my nephew Gohan. 

He is such a kind boy even when all this destruction and despair is around him, he still cares about others

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He is such a kind boy even when all this destruction and despair is around him, he still cares about others. I remember after Goku died he had this fire in his eyes like I did when my father died so I made sure to capitalize on that and train him to the best of my ability. I taught him how to manipulate Ki for objects which is a useful skill, but I haven't used it often since the occasion never called for it. Gohan can create any weapon ever created by humanity but chooses only to do so in the direst of situations. "Yeah, you have been spacing out so much we thought you had died." My head sharply turned to where I heard that voice and Trunks sheepishly cringed away from my stare. 

I remember training Trunks and boy what a stubborn child he was to raise that I kept wondering whether he is the reincarnation of Vegeta or not every day

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I remember training Trunks and boy what a stubborn child he was to raise that I kept wondering whether he is the reincarnation of Vegeta or not every day. Trunks is the only one I have a challenging time training since Bulma kept trying to postpone his training until he was "old" enough. Since she is the mother, I respected her wishes and continued to train Gohan in the ways of Spirit Control. It was not until last year that Bulma reconsidered after seeing the depressing news of another attack. Reluctantly, she agreed, and Trunks' training began with him being very adept at learning techniques with a glance. In no time Trunks became as strong as I was before training Gohan which is an achievement itself considering that he has been training for only 1 year. Now back to present thoughts I ask "do you guys want to go--" when suddenly, a huge KABOOM

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