The Heroes Quest

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Daikon's POV

I couldn't believe it, my dad is standing right in front of me, and he looks so different that if it were not for his voice, I wouldn't recognize him. 

Noticing my confusion my dad explained how mom hated his old look and forced him to change it or she would

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Noticing my confusion my dad explained how mom hated his old look and forced him to change it or she would. I didn't understand until he showed me a memory by placing a finger on my forehead, and man, mom can be scary. "hey, Rensou, who's that Saiyan next to you?" I turned around to see a female Saiyan that's wearing purple Saiyan armor land next to father.

 "hey, Rensou, who's that Saiyan next to you?" I turned around to see a female Saiyan that's wearing purple Saiyan armor land next to father

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When I look at her I have this feeling to run over and hug her for eternity and not in a romantic way, more like a family relationship. I can see the woman's face reflect the emotions I'm feeling as if she figured out who I am. We both slowly walked towards each other and engulfed each other in a hug with both of us crying tears of joy. I held onto my mom fearing that if I let go, she would disappear like she did when I was born. I looked up and saw dad standing awkwardly, so I used telekinesis to bring him over and join the hug. We stood there for who knows how long but couldn't seem to let go and when I pulled away mom made mewling sounds which surprised me greatly. Clearing my throat, I said, "mom, dad, I want you both to know that I won't be staying here for long and will be leaving in 1 week to learn all I can before going back to the land of the living. If you want, I can bring you guys back to life alo---" before I could finish, both my parents latched on and said they would be happy to go on this journey with me. After that, I spent time with all the other Saiyan's, getting to know them, training them, and overall changing the whole dynamic of the Saiyan's to pacifists' that don't seek violence but will use it if the situation calls for it. Overall, it is a very productive week. After that, me and my family say goodbye and start traveling across otherworld to learn new techniques. I'm walking down a street in otherworld when I see a fish in a bowl selling fortunes. I started to move away when I felt a pull towards him. Going closer he saw me, and his eyes started to glow a purple color with a red aura surrounding him. From his lips came a prophecy that shook me. "7 years past, a destructive god will awaken, battle is what he seeks, a legend is created once more, a battle that will do more harm than good, a Super Saiyan God will beat this new foe, in the end one will lose what he treasures most, for a Super Saiyan God needs lose to gain." taken aback, I step backwards and start running to who knows where, until I bumped into a Saiyan wearing early history clothes.

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