16 - Distance

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Claire and Ziggy are all the media outlets back in the Philippines are talking about. The people's curiosity doubled because they are a couple that is currently taking America by storm. Ziggy's international fanbase is growing by the minute and Claire secured deals here and there.

"Babe! Congratulations!" Ziggy greeted Claire when she answered the phone.

"Thanks, babe" Claire replied happily. "Marvel and BBC America! It just feels like yesterday I was doing fan art of their movies and shows, now I get to paint official promotional materials!" she enthused.

"I'm so proud of you" Ziggy said to her. "I can't wait to see you this weekend. We can celebrate properly" he said excitedly.

"Me too" Claire answered. "Did you know that the staff at the gallery was talking about your music?" she asked.

"Really? That's awesome" Ziggy commented.

"When Kristen heard them wondering if you have a girlfriend, she pulled me to them and introduced me" Claire chuckled. "It was awkward as hell. I think one of them really likes you."

"Too bad I'm happily taken" Ziggy chuckled too. "Don't terrorize my fans though" he joked.

"I am not!" Claire laughed. "It was Kristen who acted like a jealous girlfriend for me."

"God bless Kristen" Ziggy joked some more.

"You're such a loon" Claire smiled. "See you on the weekend."

"See you. I love you" Ziggy said.

"I love you too" Claire replied.


The few weeks Claire had to stay in the US turned into a month. And now Kristen is suggesting that it would be for the best if she stays more permanently. She has tons of work to do between the two big companies that hired her and commissions from private clients. She discussed it with her parents and they are supportive as ever. Ziggy is okay with it too since he's staying in the States because of music.

Claire was tidying up Ziggy's messy apartment. She is waiting for him to finish doing a photoshoot and interview. They are set to have a date this evening. Claire has been staying in LA for a week now but they didn't really had the chance to spend time with each other. Ziggy was so busy with guesting on talk shows, radio shows and doing interviews for magazines.

Meanwhile, Claire was busy with brainstorming sessions with marketing teams from both Marvel and BBC America. Several clients meet up with her too for private commissions. She's very excited that at last they can spend the weekend together before she have to return to San Diego to put her focus on her next show.

Her phone rang. It was Kristen.

"What's up?" she asked.

"I just want to remind you about the dinner. 6PM, don't be late" Kristen said from the other line.

"What dinner?" she asked, totally confused.

"I told you about this yesterday" Kristen reminded her. "Mr. Baxley wants to talk about the promotional materials for Agents of SHIELD and a super-secret new Marvel show over dinner. I put it in your calendar."

"Shit! I totally forgot!" Claire exclaimed. "Ziggy and I are supposed to have a date tonight."

"I would totally make an excuse for you but this is a big deal" Kristen told her.

"I know" Claire said, annoyed at herself. "I'll just tell Ziggy we should reschedule tomorrow."

"We're driving back to San Diego tonight, Claire" Kristen informed her.

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