4 - Rejections & Chances

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Ziggy sat down on the curb feeling defeated. He doesn't even know how many auditions he went to since January. For his New Year's resolution, he promised to pursue music more seriously. He just finished a degree in music at the University of California – San Diego. But he figured even a degree in music isn't enough to make it. Sometimes he thinks that maybe he should just try another path in music but he suddenly thinks about his parents. They were always been supportive and he doesn't want to let them down. He pulled out his phone and texted his mom.

"Didn't make the cut but it's fine. There's still other auditions out there".

"Bro! So, how did it go?" his roommate, Blaster asked him as soon as entered the door. Blaster was his classmate in UCSD. He is a brilliant producer but unlike him he's lucky in the music scene. Back in the Philippines, Blaster's family owns an independent music label. 

"Wasn't lucky today. Do you need help with packing?" Ziggy asked. Blaster's moving back to the Philippines. He only went in San Diego to study. 

"Yeah. I don't know if I don't have enough boxes or I just packed poorly" Blaster chuckles.

Ziggy helped Blaster pack all his things. "Gonna miss you so much, bro. Listen, if these American fuckers doesn't want to recognize your talent, come visit me in the Philippines. I would fight my dad to sign you in our label" Blaster said out of nowhere. 

Ziggy chuckled, "I'll keep that in mind".

He retired to his room. He needs to pack too. He can't afford the rent by himself. His salary from his job on the record store around the block won't be enough. He doesn't want a fancy job too because of auditions he goes to. He might take the offer to move back to his parent's house.

His phone pinged.

"Ziggy, I just got off the phone with your Mom. I'm sorry you didn't make it. She says you seem okay with it but she knows you're upset" it's his dad, Zacharias.

"I'm okay, Dad. The ones who got in were really good" he replied.

"You'll get your chance, Z" his dad texted.

"I don't know, Dad. I have been trying for years. Maybe It's time I accept I won't make it, ever" he opened up.

"Hey, don't say that" his dad appeased him. "How about try that audition your Mom was telling you about. I think it's called Star Factor Philippines 2015. It starts on January. You still have time to send an audition" he suggested.


"That's too far, Dad" Ziggy replied.

He doesn't know anyone there besides Blaster. He doesn't wanna bother him that soon too. He knows Blaster wants to prove himself first to their company.

"We could relocate too. The Philippines is our home too, Z" his dad texted back.

He knows his parents are thinking of retiring from work in the US and going home to the Philippines to start a business. But he wasn't expecting they would move in a heartbeat because of a possible chance for him to make it in the music industry.

"You have done so much for me already" Ziggy replied.

"And we could do some more. Your Mom wants to move back anyway" his dad said.

"Thanks Dad. I love you" Ziggy sent.

He might not have so much luck on auditions but he hit the jackpot with his super supportive parents.




Ziggy sat on the couch and looked at his mom, Emily with so much amusement. "Mom, you know I got in" he chuckled as his mom anxiously waited for the announcement of the Star Factor Philippines 2015 contestants on the television. 

"Let her be, she's just so excited" his dad chimed in. He's sitting in the kitchen island sorting paperwork for their new business.

"And finally, the soulful voice of San Diego, California, Ziggy Zamora!" the host announced. They played the pre-recorded clip of the announcement. His mom squealed. Ziggy and his dad laugh.

 "Alright I'm going to my room to practice. Love you, Mom" he kissed his mom's head before he walked away.


*Header Art: "Concerto" by Leonello Spada

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