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The second year won yesterday's game and today's the final day. So far, it was a stressful but fun celebration for Chan. He was seated on a table that was by the soccer field, while he was trying to edit the certificates for the awardees that will be handed by the end of the celebration.

Chan hummed and pouted with his cheeks puffed out. He looked at the certificates and thought if it was good to print it out already. Before he could stand and go, he got surprised when someone sat down on the sit across him. He tilted his head to the side with an eyebrow raised.

"I thought you were at practice," Chan said.

Jiro shrugged. He was already wearing a white shirt and his basketball shorts. He placed his bag ontop of the table and unzipped to open it.

"I'm ready to give these," the man said, placing down a wrapped box and a sunflower.

The boy grabbed the box and tried shaking it but the man stopped him from doing so. Jiro placed the box back into his bag with the flower. Chan smiled at him, hiding the fact that this will be the day that he'll be able to be with Jiro this often.

"Nervous?" Chan asked.

Jiro looked straight at the boy for a few seconds before he nodded, "Rejection is so far what's in my mind."

"What are you saying?!" The boy crossed his arms, "I doubt you'll get rejected."

The man chuckled, "You're always like that, Chan. Can't you say anything negative for once?"

"Are you forgetting something?"

Jiro smirked, "You're a ball of sunshine."

"Yeah!" Chan nodded, "I will always be--Anyway, go to your basketball practice. I'm busy here, you know."

The man rolled his eyes playfully before he stood up and grabbed his duffel bag. Chan suddenly shouted at him when Jiro ruffled his hair.


"I'll see you later?"

The boy nodded, "Of course. I want to see your asses kicked."

"You wish."

Chan finally finished what he is tasked to do. He was by the bleachers again with Twenty. The game was also about to start which was something to look forward to. The players were just warming up and doing some shooting to practice. Chan's eyes were still busy on Jiro, and Twenty knows it.

"So much for moving on, Channie," Twenty said and took a sip on a beverage that Jeffrey bought for him a while ago.

Chan furrowed his eyebrows, "I didn't tell you to talk about it."

"But who am I to blame? Jiro's a hot dude," Twenty uttered.

"Doesn't Jeffrey get angry whenever you think a guy's hot?"

The boy chuckled, "Jeffrey is my hot daddy, so he doesn't care."

Chan was taken aback, "You call Jeffrey daddy?"

"Of course, it's a kink," Twenty whispered, "You don't know, Jiro might have a daddy kin--"

"That's enough imagining, Twenty," the boy cuts his friend's words.

Twenty laughed at him before he suddenly stood up and showed up a banner for Jeffrey. He shouted and caught several people's attentions. Chan facepalmed and looked away from the boy. He was the one who's getting embarrassed, not Twenty. But people found it cute and sweet when Jeffrey winked at his boyfriend. If only they know what kind of couple they are.

The game finally started and Chan pulled Twenty down to stop him from distracting the players. Chan watched but his mind was occupied by the fact that he'll be witnessing Jiro's confession. Should he just go home right after the awarding ceremony? Of course, he wants to cry everything out and let his papa comfort him. But maybe he'll lock himself in his bedroom for a week before his family comfort him.

Chan groaned and slapped his cheek. He shouldn't think about that. It's still Yanna's decision if she'll let Jiro court her. But Jiro's a likeable guy with a grumpy face. He got a good personality but too shy to even show it to others. Chan sighed and pouted while he watches the game.

He suddenly felt selfish that he wished Jiro won't win the game.

But that would be impossible. The first quarter was already won by the third year and they might even win the second quarter until the third quarter. Chan groaned.

"Bad pudu. You shouldn't think like this," Chan said to himself.

Jiro deserves to be happy.

After the third quarter, confetti and balloons were falling down as the game ended with a winner. Everyone went down to congratulate the team which was the third year. Chan just sat there, alone on the bleachers while Twenty ran down and hugged Jeffrey. Honest to goodness, he's jealous at how Twenty can act like that to Jeffrey. He wanted to run and jump to hug Jiro but that's someone else's role.

Chan crossed arms and thought that he should go ahead to help the student council for the awarding ceremony. But his eyes betrayed him as his attention went over to Jiro already with Yanna, away from the crowd. The man was already holding the box and sunflower that will be given to the girl. The boy felt his heart breaking and it was a new but bad kind of pain.

He was feeling upset and wanted to lock himself in the bathroom but he just immediately stood up to walk out of the area. Chan sighed and has his head down. Why did he even bother to like Jiro?


The said boy suddenly heard a familiar voice which made him to turn around and smiled. He didn't want to see him yet but maybe he wanted to say that he finally got a yes from Yanna.

"Hey, congrats," Chan greeted then his eyes went over to the box and the flower that should've been in Yanna's hands, "She...didn't accept it?"

Jiro scratched his nape and furrowed his eyebrows, "Well...I wasn't really going to give these to her."

The boy was taken aback, "Aren't you going to confess?"

"Yeah...I already am."

Jiro gave the box and sunflower to Chan. The boy's eyes widened as he stiffened on where he was standing. He just stared at it and haven't grabbed them. He was still confused about this. Chan looked back at Jiro, wanting to know what did he mean. Jiro


"Chan,I like you."

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