Chapter four: concert part 1

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I still couldn't believe we were standing in line for One Direction! Natalie and I were waiting for the past 20 minutes.
"Owhh!" I shouted. I felt a sharp pain in my ass. There was a boy standing behind me.
"Did you just pinch my friends ass, you little shit?" Natalie yelled. The boy was probably like 12.
"No I swear to god it wasn't me! It was my older brother!" The little boy shouted at Natalie. Just then the older boy turned around.
"Are you a fucking pervert? You douche bag! You don't go around pinching people's asses! You fucking make me sick!" Natalie shouted. And with that she reached up and slapped him right on the cheek.
"What the fuck is your problem?" He asked. Now I was fucking pissed off.
"Are you fucking joking? 'What the fuck is my problem'? My problem is you just pinched my fucking ass!" I shouted. I was beyond pissed off right now.
"Sorry geez...I-I guess I thought it would be funny." He said shocked. I looked over a Nat and I could see the smoke coming out of her ears.
"Is he fucking serious?" I asked Natalie.
She just nodded her head. When she gets mad she doesn't speak.
"Just leave us the fuck alone and don't ever talk to us again prev!" I shouted and turned around. Thankfully we were at the front of the line. We got through security and went to find our seats.
We were walking down this dark hallway. We started running. We could see and I fell into someone with a huge thud.
"SHIT" I yelled. I opened my eyes to faced to faced with a sea of diamond blue eyes.
"Umm....I-I'm so so sorry" I stuttered. I climbed up off of this beautiful stranger.
"That's no problem love, I should've watched were I was going" the strangers thick accent was obvious when he spoke. Wait! That's not just any accent that's....
"Bloody hell! You're-re Louis Tomlinson!" I shouted at the stranger.
"Last time I checked that was my name" Louis smiled that toothy grin I love. Just then I heard and thud. Natalie fainted. Actually fainted.
"I take it you two are big fans of us lads. Yeah?" Louis asked.
I had no idea what to do. I just nodded my head. I can't believe I was standing in front of Louis Tomlinson.
"You don't have to do that? You know? We are just normal lads." Louis said.
"How rude of me, what your name love?" He asked me.
"My name is Tara. Tara Matthews." Barley got that out. I was standing in front of Louis Tomlinson.
"Tara huh? That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Louis commented. My cheeks flushed crimson. "Why don't we get your friend here to the club room. The rest of the lads are in there you can meet them too" Louis said as we started walking. We made it to the club room, sure enough the rest of One direction was there.
"Well what's this?" Niall Horann asked. His Irish accent thick.
"I ran into these lassies walking to the loo" Louis replied.
"Holy shit! Whose the red head?" Harry Fucking Styles just asked who I was.
"This Tara, an her friend-?" I cut him off. "Natalie" I squeaked.
"Well Tara, I'm Zayn Malik" the dark haired one whispered in my ear.
I jumped and all of them laughed.
"Hi. You're fucking One Direction!" I shouted.
"Last time we checked" Liam Payne said. "If you don't mind me asking? Um..your eyes and your hair?" Niall questioned.
"OHH right my hair and my eyes. They were both bright red. I was born an albino so there is no pigment in my eyes so they are red. As for my hair well I guess I was just born that way" I finished and took a breath I didn't know I was holding in.
"Wow. That's really bloody cool." Niall said. They all continued to look at me.
"What?" I said laughing.
"Nothing, we've just never had the opportunity to see someone like you." Harry laughed. I was offended. Someone like me? What did that mean?
"Someone like me? I'm not an animal you've seen for the first time" I said coldly..
"What Harry was trying to say was, you're just really unique"Louis soothed. Rubbing circles into my back. I calmed down abit.
"Personally I think your eyes and hair are bloody fantastic!" Niall chimmed.y cheeks instantly flushed.
"Why thank you Niall" I thanked him."at least someone likes it." I said coldly.
"I never meant anything bad to you, it's just your eyes are kinda creepy" Harry stuttered.
"I get that a lot" I explained. "Well me and Natalie better go find our seats, sorry to bother you" I said quickly. I grabbed Natalie and rushed toward the door.
"Wait, you don't have to-" but we were already out the door. I wasn't sure how to take them looking at me different because of my eyes and hair. I know everyone looks at them but not like they did.
"Come on, Tara let's go enjoy One Direction" Natalie screamed. This was going to be an unforgettable night.

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