Chapter six: sorries and second chances

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This was going to be interesting. Louis guided me through the dark hallways until we were at the club room.
I could sense he was nervous. He rubbed the back of his neck.
"So um...they were kind of upset that you left so abruptly. When you left Liam sorta broke down." Louis whispered. Oh my god. I made Liam upset.
"Oh m god Lou, I'm so sorry" I apologized. I felt so bad.
"It's fine. Liam is sorta a softy" he chuckled dryly. We both reached for the door handle at the same time. Our hands brushed slighty. My cheeks instantly broke crimson. "Oh I-I'm sorry-" I stuttered but he cut me off.
"It's alright love," Louis replied. He opened the door to reveal three broken and puffy eyed boys. I silently gasped. I did this. I ran over to Liam who was silently sobbing in the corner. His knees were pulled to his chest. He saw me coming over and his eyes got wide. Tears were slipping from them. "Tara I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt your feelings or-" he sobbed but I cut him off. He was more of a wreak then me.
"Ohh Liam! You don't have to cry. I was never upset. I'm used to people judging my hair. I'm sorry Liam." I wiped tears from his cheeks. He nodded his head but kept crying. "Liam listen to me" I quietly said. He looked up. "Please stop crying. You don't have to be sorry for anything." I soothed. He stopped crying. He was miserable. Liam soon got up.
"Tara, I'm truly sorry for-" I cut him off again.
"Liam, you don't have apologize anymore" I said. And gave him a hug. He immediately calmed down. Next I went to Zayn. He wasn't crying but I could sense he was upset.
"Tara I-" he started but I cut him off. His head fell and he looked at the ground.
"Zayn look at me" I said. He looked up at me on the verge of tears. "Zayn, please I thought you were the toughest of the group?" I asked laughing. He started laughing as well.
"I am. But I can't take hurting someone" he replied. Why did theses boys think they were hurting my feelings? "Zayn , you didn't hurt my feelings. I was a bit offended but I'm not upset. That means you guys don't have to be upset. I've heard it all. I fit care anymore. I do care about you boys though. Forgive yourselfeves. I've looked past all of it. Now Harry get your ass over here." I said. He looked up and walked over to me. I tackled him to the ground. He looked utterly shocked. I looked up and the other boys were staring at me.
"You listen and listen good Harry Styles" I said. I could tell I was scaring the shit out of him. "You have nothing to be sorry about. I want you to know that. I won't stand here and watch you I idiots beat yourselves up over what you think happened to me." I finished my rant and got off of him. He was scared shitles I can tell you that much. They all just looked at me.
"What?" I said.
Great. Now they think I'm insane. Great. Fucking great.
"So I'm just gonna go. You guys are amazing as fuck. But you guys probably think I'm insane. So it was really AMAZING meeting you guys. So ya." I said and ran out the door. I ran and ran but I couldn't find my way out of this fucking place. So I sat down and cried. Why the fuck did I think I had a chance with One Direction? I cried harder. That's right I'm mental. No one will ever love me. I'm a red eyed red haired freak. I was sitting there on the hard ground for hours it felt like. I have to face it. I'm a freak. I thought I heard yelling. But it was probably nothing.
"TARA MATTHEWS!" A heavy accent yelled. I knew that voice. Liam.
"TARA!" Closer now. I felt the ground under me vibrate.
"Tara." Liam whispered.
"Liam. I'm a freak. I'll never find love. No one wants me." I sobbed into my shirt. He bent down and wrapped his strong arms around me. I sobbed into his shirt.
"You are not a freak. Tara you are anything but a freak. You have to believe me. Lou is a wreck. He's so torn up. I'm gonna let you in on alittle secret. He fancies you." Liam smiled. What Louis Tomlinson fancies me? Huh? I looked at him with pure shock.
"You don't believe me? Well it's true. Ever since you ran him over he hasn't shut up about you." Liam explained. Me. He liked me. "Come on love, the boys are worried sick" Liam cooed. I had soaked his shirt with tears.
"Umm..I'm sorry about your shirt Liam." I motioned to his torso.
"Oh this old thing. Doesn't bother me." He stated. Liam slowly helped me up. I stumbled back to the ground. "Shit!" I cursed in pain.
"That's it. I'm carrying you" Liam said and picked me up bridal style. I began to doze off in his arms as he started waking. My head fell against his chest. I was out like a light. What a crazy mother fuckin day.

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