pt. 9

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(jeff pov)

shes only been here for a day, how is she already so good at adapting to the madness? it doesn't matter i guess, shes keeping us from getting killed.

"jeff," she looked back over her shoulder from the doorway. "what're you doing, keep up." she smiled and kept walking.

god i wish i could just... no! i dont like her, i cant.

"yknow, annie did basically the same thing last year, the no skirt for paintball thing."

"ah well, great minds think alike i guess." she smiled but stopped in her tracks. "listen."

a small rumbling came from the lockers. she walked slowly to the first one and pounded on the door.

it swung open to reveal...


out of a second locker emerged abed and out of a third came annie.

"ay man! youre not dead!" troy went up to jeff and gave him a big hug.

"thats all thanks to y/n, starburns almost took us out but she got him before he landed a shot."

"wow.." mumbled annie.

"annie! i was hoping id find you before we found britta to be honest." she smiled and passed annie some paint ball pellets. "we grabbed all the loose ones from the table when everyone fled."

"oh uh, thanks" annie smiled at her and rolled the pellets into her pocket.

"so where is everyone else?" i asked.

"cafeteria like always, but i think britta and shirley are in the library."

"chang is out, but like why was he even playing?" y/n asked.

"he's psychotic thats why. we have to get to the library." i said before a loud bang came from the door behind them.

"put your hands up you rebel scum!"

it was shirley of course.

y/n drew her gun quicker than britta can bring up social justice in any conversation ever.

"shirley! wheres britta, did she get hit?" y/n asked in her bubbly voice, still holding her gun to match shirleys.

"no, but you might get hit if you dont roll your pellets to me right this second young lady!"

"whats with the schick shirley? who are you working for?" abed asked.

"pierce, like last year. hes a horrible person, but having no morals pays off when you're fighting with paint."

"guess i gotta talk to pierce."
word count: 384

unlikely // jeff winger x readerWhere stories live. Discover now