Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Percy leapt out of his bed. He rushed out of his room and started searching around the apartment for his mom's car keys.

"Of course I can. Are you okay? Is everything okay? Where are you?"

Percy heard muffled sobs coming from the other end of the phone, "Annabeth, you have to talk to me, okay? I'm gonna be right there you just have to tell me."

After a few moments, Annabeth choked out a street name for Percy to go to. He kept looking around, but failed to find the keys. So, getting frustrated about it, he shouted out, "Mom! Where are your keys!" Probably a bit more loud and aggressive than he should have addressed his mom.

His mom emerged from her room and gave him an odd look. "Why do you need them?" She placed a hand on her hip.

Percy mouthed, "Annabeth" and his mom's expression softened. She dug in her purse for a few moments before pulling out her keys.

"Go be there for her, Percy," Percy rushed out of the door, still on the phone with Annabeth. He made it to the car, stuck the keys in the ignition and started driving. He kept the phone to his ear.

When the sobbing didn't stop, Percy continued whispering to Annabeth how everything would be okay and he'd be right there. He would occasionally get a hum in approval, but she never said a word.

Once he reached the street he gave her, he started keeping an eye out for her. After a little bit of driving down the street, Percy noticed Annabeth sitting on the curb, her head in her knees.

"I see you!" He hung up the phone and sprinted out of the car, careful to make sure it was in park first. As he rushed over to Annabeth he noticed her appearance. She was wearing ripped jeans and a cute blouse. He immediately noticed the bruises that were on her arms. He sat down on the curb next to her and grabbed her hands. He ran a hand along her arm, then looked back up to her tear stained face. She had mascara running down her face, her hair was tousled and her eyes were red and puffy. Percy carefully wiped her tears from her face.

"Annabeth...what happened to you?" She let out a broken sob and wrapped her arms around Percy's neck. He pulled her in closer and started rubbing circles on her back.

"Shhh, hey, hey, it's okay. Everything's gonna be okay," He comforted her.

"Percy, he-" She finally tried to speak, "I didn't want t-to and he-"

"Hey," Percy interrupted her, "It's okay. You don't have to tell me right now. Everything is fine, I'm here now, okay?"

Annabeth paused."You knew didn't you?" She sniffled. Percy pulled back a little from the hug so he could see her face, but kept his hands on her waist.

"Knew what?" He questioned.

"About Luke. You knew he was bad," Tears started streaming steadily down her face again, "God dammit, I should have listened to you. I'm so sorry, Percy,"

He pulled her close again and gave her a tight squeeze.

"Annabeth, you have nothing to be sorry for. It's okay," She buried her head in his neck.

Luke on the other hand, Percy thought, Will never be more sorry.

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