Chapter Twenty-Seven

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One Month Later

Percy didn't know what to do with himself. He had tried countless times to reach out to Annabeth, but before he could get a word in Luke always seemed to cut him off. What perfect timing he had.

He and Annabeth had drifted apart. It was odd. Even though they hadn't been real friends long, he always had her to make fun of him. She always put a smile on his face, even if she was being mean to him. Without her, Percy felt something was missing. He really couldn't handle it.

His friends noticed his dampened mood over the weeks, and they tried to cheer him up, but to no avail.

But they were also hurting and angry at Annabeth for choosing Luke. Not only over Percy, but all of them. She slowly stopped hanging out with them because she always had "Something with Luke,". She never was at school for lunch, nobody ever saw her where she would normally be during break, and she was always out of the school before anyone could even say her name.

Everyone eventually started getting used to Annabeth not being around. Except Percy. He put on a good enough cover, but he hated not being with her. He hated knowing what she got herself into. When he tried to save her, too.

He was always texting and calling her, but there would never be any answer. He blamed himself. Even though he did all he could, he felt responsible. The constant nagging in the back of his head saying, "If only you had tried harder," He tried to ignore those thoughts and continue on with his life.

He sat in his bed, reluctant to get up for school when he decided to send Annabeth another text.

talk to me.

He sat there and read through all the previous texts he sent her. They only made him feel worse. Maybe she had blocked him? Could she really hate him that much? And over what, anyway?

He layed back in bed and threw his phone at his feet. He laid there, his eyes closed, waiting for something to happen. Anything. But, like normal, nothing did.

Eventually he got the energy to get up and get dressed. He plastered on a smile as he went out to meet his mom.

He ate some cereal and got himself out the door and on the way to school. He left his skateboard behind, though. He stopped skating when Annabeth started ignoring him. He missed it, of course, because he still loved it, but it also reminded him of the day he had almost told her how he felt. And how he was interrupted twice, once by Luke.

When he got to school, he found his friends waiting by his locker. He looked around at all of them, quite suspiciously.

"What do you people want?" He rolled his eyes as he opened his locker.

"Percy, it's time," Grover said. Percy continued pushing stuff around in his locker without actually grabbing anything.

"Percy," Jason pushed the locker shut, forcing Percy to pull his hands out. He turned to look at them.

"What?" He asked.

"We're gonna help you move on,"

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