Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Percy's blood boiled. He opened his locker for the sole purpose of slamming it shut, hopefully getting some of his anger out before he addressed his friends and their stupid idea. He slowly faced them, and they both looked a little nervous.

"Move on?" Percy asked them, "I see no reason to move on," He tried to stay as calm as possible, but his fists were clenched.

"Percy, we were just thinking maybe if we distract you from Annabeth you'd feel better!" Jason suggested.

Percy sighed and rolled his eyes. "Moving on from Annabeth isn't what I need, you idiots. I need Annabeth,"

"Percy-" Grover started.

"This isn't up for discussion, guys. Annabeth is in a toxic relationship that's cut her off from everyone, that's obvious. She thinks she wants to be with Luke, I'm not going to stand in her way. Until the moment I know he's doing something to her, then I will strangle him with my own two hands,"

Grover and Jason were a little taken aback. They didn't say anything, just stared at Percy in awe and fear.

"Now, I've got a class to get to. I believe you two do as well?" Percy shoved past the two of them and made his way down the hall. Once he got to his classroom, he took a seat. He kept an eye out for Annabeth, but he didn't see her. He has guessed she changed her schedule, or maybe Luke did it for her.

Percy picked up a pencil and started fidgeting with it. He thought about Luke, and how terrible he was. Percy hadn't even had one okay experience with him. He was thinking about what Luke might be forcing Annabeth into when-


His pencil broke in half, and he got the attention of the classroom.

"Mr. Jackson?" His teacher asked, "Are you okay there?"

"Fine, sorry," Percy mumbled as he grabbed another pencil and started scribbling nonsense in his notebook.


Percy tossed his backpack on the floor near the door and walked further into his house. He sat in the kitchen and talked to his mom about their days, but there really wasn't much to talk about. Sally had been a huge help to Percy ever since Annabeth left, she always knew exactly what to say and do. Percy didn't understand how she did it.

After talking for a little bit, Percy got up and headed into his room. He laid down on his bed and turned his head to face the door. He looked at his skateboard longingly, wishing he could go back to that day. But, it was a lost cause. He knew he couldn't live in the past. He was going to fix this and get Annabeth back. The only question: how?

Percy had gone from laying in bed, to sitting at his desk, to the floor and then back to his bed multiple times when it started to get dark out. He was fiddling with a paper he found on his floor when his phone started ringing.

He slowly picked up his phone and read the caller ID. Annabeth.

Annabeth was calling him. He was shocked, but answered immediately.

"Annabeth! Oh my gods, are you okay? I've missed you so much," His phone was silent, "Say something?"

"Percy," He heard her sniffle a little bit, "Can you come pick me up?"

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