Chapter Twenty-Six

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Thalia left only a few minutes later, leaving Percy by himself in the park. He spent about thirty more minutes there before he decided to let the little kids have a turn on the swing. He got up and rode his way back home.

When he got there, he snuck in and got into his room without his mom noticing. He really didn't want to talk to his mom about what had happened earlier.

He made it to his room, sat down at his desk and pulled out his phone. He started scrolling through instagram, mindlessly double tapping the photos he scrolled past. He was still trying to process the whole day.

While he was scrolling, something caught his eye. A post Annabeth had made about thirty minutes ago. It was a picture of her and Luke. Percy dropped his phone. He was in shock. He was too late. But how? Annabeth had told Percy her date was the next day. Apparently those plans changed.

After Percy got over his initial shock, he picked his phone up from the floor. He quickly sent Annabeth's post to her along with a DM saying, i thought your date was tomorrow?

He waited impatiently for a few minutes until his phone buzzed with a response.

We still have a date tomorrow, we just decided to hang out today as well :)

Percy didn't know how to respond. He knew he had to get Annabeth away from him, especially before they had another date. He frantically typed at his phone.

we need to talk. like rn

Didn't we talk earlier today? What could possibly be so important?

He bounced his leg. it's important. please

Percy watched the typing bubble pop up and down, and eventually she responded. When Percy read what it said, his heart dropped.

I'm with Luke right now. Sorry.

He only liked the text as a response. He put his head in his hands and sighed.

She's already choosing him over me, Percy thought. He sat there for a few minutes before his phone started ringing. He looked at his phone and saw it was Thalia calling him. He quickly picked up and heard an irritated Thalia screaming at him.

"I literally told you an hour ago not to let her go out with him! An hour! How could you mess up so badly so quickly!?"

"Thalia, calm down! I didn't know! She told me her date was tomorrow. I just dmed her and asked her to talk but she said no. She chose him over me," He mumbled that last part under his breath. Thalia didn't seem to notice. She just sighed.

"Talk to her tonight okay? She needs some sense knocked into her,"

"I'll try," And with that, they hung up. Percy got up from his chair and moved over to his bed. He plopped down and before he knew it, he fell asleep.


When he woke up, it was about five in the evening.

"How did I sleep so long!" He half whispered half shouted to himself. Once he got to thinking about it, he had barely gotten any sleep the night before, so it made sense that he had slept so long.

He opened his phone and saw a few notifications, none of them he really cared about. After a few minutes of sitting on his phone, he got out of bed and walked into his living room where his Mom was sitting. He sat down next to her, preparing himself to face whatever she had to say.

"I take it didn't go too well?" She asked him. He just shook his head and leaned on her shoulder. "Too late to fight for her?" Percy hesitated, but he nodded.

"You hesitated," She pointed out.

"I don't know, mom. She seems to really like him. But I talked to Thalia earlier, and she said her and Luke used to date and let's just say she didn't have a good experience with him. I was gonna talk to Annabeth about it but she was with Luke and wouldn't meet up," He sighed.

"Honey, if this Luke is going to be bad for Annabeth, you need to fight for her. And not to have her to yourself, but so she can see that she needs to get away from him before it's too late," Percy thought for a moment.

"You're right. I'm gonna go talk to her," Percy leaped up from the couch and started rushing towards the door.

"Wait, Percy! You should at least fix your hair first!" He ignored his mom, grabbed his skateboard and made his way to Annabeth's house.


He knocked on her door. He was going to show her what a terrible person Luke was. He was going to save her from a terrible, toxic relationship that would most likely end with her heartbroken.

When she opened the door, Percy noticed her cheeks were flushed pink.

"Percy? What are you doing here? Actually, you know what, now is really not a good time," Annabeth tried to close the door, but Percy stuck his foot in the way before she could.

"We need to talk, Annabeth. It's about-"

"Luke!" Annabeth's voice interrupted him.

"Yes, of course it-" Percy looked up and made eye contact with Luke.

"Percy?" He asked, "What are you doing here?" Percy couldn't help but notice his cheeks were tinted pink as well.

"I'm here to talk to Annabeth," Percy stated. When nothing happened, he spoke again, "Alone,"

"Percy, now is really not a good time. I'm in the middle of a date," Annabeth sighed.

"That's the problem-"

"Whoa, why is that a problem?" Percy almost forgot Luke was there. Looking at him made him want to throw up. He wanted to pull a gun on him. Not a real gun, of course. Maybe a water gun. If he put lemon juice in it, it would really sting his eyes. Percy pushed that thought away.

"Yeah, I don't see a problem," Annabeth said, flinging her arms in the air.

"Okay, but you should. Annabeth, Luke-"

"I'm sorry," Luke interjected, "But why exactly are you here?" Percy was taken aback. He hated Luke's attitude.

"I told you, I need to talk to Annabeth about something-"

"Yeah, well, I don't really appreciate it, and I don't think Annabeth does either," Percy was reconsidering that whole 'Not a real gun,' thing.

Percy ignored Luke and turned his attention back to Annabeth, "I talked to Thalia earlier-" Luke scoffed. Percy rolled his eyes and looked over at him. He met his eyes and Luke glared at him.

"Okay, I think you should go now," Luke pushed Percy out of the doorway and slammed the door shut. He heard the lock clicking and stood there stunned.

He slowly turned around, picked up his board and started walking home.

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