Funky boys vs Rana 1

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(⚠️  proceed with caution I suggest you to keep away all your eatables and drinks and read it in a separate room away from people's eyes who can judge you as insane idiots are those ppl thoo ️🌬️)


On the other side of the ground were stood Rana aka Riyaz with the other three-members that he phone called, request, begged and some thousand rupees, to come for this moment.

The situation looked quite intense.

Walked the funky boys with a hockey stick that Jai AGAIN stealthily took from Faisu and Siddharth with a cricket ball in his pocket?

They walked and met in the midway gathering an audience of seniors recording the scene to get instant views on YouTube! And middle school placing their bets while Primary ones didn't know what was happening they know this much from their parents - beta whenever two or more bodies are fighting you must leave all the work and watch it. (Indian-logy)

So yeah people forgetting their usual break activities were watching the fight-

"We will not fight," Abhi said his eyes searching for Riyaz among them.

The crowd couldn't hear anything but still cheered. Reem stood at the lower step glared at the girl shouting in her ear. Vaishnavi prayed silently for Abhi's safety.

A boy ran down to the ground with a mike handing over to Abhi. Abhi stared at it blankly.

"Please use it, we all want to hear and this will make it clear who wins," the boy said. Abhi didn't take but Jai snatched saying on the mike, "thank you and of course, we will win ladies" he waved his hand toward the crowd.

Girls fanned themselves.

Abhi glared at him, "we are not fighting"

Faisu came forward grinning, "who's Rana among you?" he asked looking at Bhavesh hopefully thinking he was. Bhavesh frowned stopped taking a bite from his burger arey yarr , "no one is Rana here?" He said stuffing his mouth back .

Abhi wanted to bang his head, he shoved them and spoke, "Riyaz he meant"

Riyaz waved his hand, biting his lip coming forward.

He introduced all of his guys biting his lip, "I am Riyaz"

"Rana," Faisu said, amazed.

"Hey Rana" Riyaz said.

"You're Rana" Faisu reminded.

"Riyaz" Riyaz said a little louder, biting his lip he thought Faisu didn't hear.

"Rana," Faisu said again.

Riyaz shook his head biting his lip, "it's Riyaz"

Faisu shook his head, "it's Rana"

While Siddharth and Jai ate Chocos.

"We should have brought milk," Jai said munching.

"No, it is only Riyaz"

"No, it is only Rana"

Siddharth nodded patting his pocket, "I might have a small packet of it"

Jai grinned, "you have? Let's find a bowl and spoon now!"

"Ask Abhi he must have something" Siddharth suggested.

"Abhi! You have a bowl!??" Jai asked hopefully.

Abhi looked back boiling angrily.

Siddharth said nervously, "I think he doesn't have"

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