Badasss Girls X

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Vaish come at the fountain

Is Abhi there? 🤧

Now what he did?? What the HECK HE DID?? I AM GONNA KILL ALL THOSE boys!!
And I am dead serious I had way too enough!

Come here you too Reem, Siddharth isn't understanding the meaning of no 😒

GODDD!!! THAT'S IT JAN give me your gun!

Already pointed at the diff target 💁


Abhi 🤷

He did bad I know but pls don't kill him 😫

Avneet looked up frowning as Siddharth smiled proceeding, "I- I just want to say that-

"Hey!!!! Everybody what's up!!" Jai shouted joining in another fiasco on its way of creation.

"Hey Rana!" Jai greeted Riyaz with a big fake smile.

Riyaz nodded oh yeah that's what his name was Rana!

"Rana"Riyaz said.

Jai yanked Riyaz's hand shaking, "no I'm Jai nice to meet you now get lost!"
He pulled him throwing out.

Faisu snapped out from the daze, "Jai!"

Siddharth screamed internally in frustration why couldn't he complete.

Avneet yawned she couldn't sleep last night because of the 30 pages Science project in which the teacher only correct the front and the last page for the signature. Why did they even want projects cause neither teachers nor students take it seriously both just wanted to get over with it.

She pulled Siddharth's arm and made both of them sit on the water fountain's edge.

Placing her head on his shoulder she said, "now be quiet and let me sleep for a while"

Siddharth's eyebrow raised but he grinned saying, "okay I mean perfectly alright no probs it's okay yeah I won't complain-

"Siddharth" Avneet cut him off.

"Yeah?" Siddharth asked looking down at her closed eyes.

"Shut up" Avneet said burying her face in his shoulder hiding her smile.

Abhi too came out of the trance as the other girls Vaishnavi and Reem reached.

"Jai just please throw him out I don't wanna see his face again" Faisu told without looking at Riyaz.

Riyaz frowned what happened to him now? that guy was beautifully strange he thought.

"Go Rana your game is over" Jai said with a bored look.

Riyaz glared at everyone, "This isn't over I'll come back again I'll NOT LEAVE-

Siddharth splashed water at him glaring, "shhhh..." he warned keeping his hand on Avneet's head that girl was really sleeping.

Riyaz nodded continuing in whisper now, "I'll not leave you! mark my words"

Jai shot him thumbs up inscribing Riyaz's words at below the statue of a Cupid on the fountain with a marker. Rana will never come back again

Riyaz to make it more dramatic, stepped back doing I'm watching you look and click everyone's photos editing it making big red crosses on them and slided his hand across his throat saying you all are dead and doing a fake phone call to Daud Ibrahim and-

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