Extras #2

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Faisu| Jannat

I can't do this
It's so difficult how do people do that?

You meant how can people stop themselves from bothering others? 🙄

No I mean moving on
It sucks

For a second I literally believed you had some serious relationship going on there

You can all laugh but no one will understand the real pain 😔

Exactly! Now get lost You're really becoming a nuisance

I have an offer for you

I certainly decline it

Here me out at least 😐

Look I only tolerate you cuz you're friends wid my bestie's boyfriend but there's a limit to what I can take

You're jealous just admit it!

Jealous ???🙄
Seriously of what exactly pls tell me?

Of Rana

Oh yeah I will be jealous of something that doesn't even exist

It hurts you're so cruel!

Oh come on
Okay...I am gonna regret this so gonna regret this but I have to help you to come out of it. I can't see a mad person turning into a more mad person if possible, right in front of my eyes

So you're ready to become my rebound? 😏

Or I can kill that person the easiest work of all


I am gonna do a cross examination with you this way you're gonna forget about Rana

I doubt that 🤔

Who is Rana to you Mr. Faisu ?

He's dear 🦌 to me

Why 😒

He is a genius man!!!! he made mosque run, KFC surfers, BARG and let's not forget Letter of Duty

You know he can be send behind bars for plagiarism

He doesn't care he's so cool

Looks like another idiot to me
Anyway next question,
If you were made to choose between WATER and Rana what will you choose?

Of course

Because of people like you we can't save water.
Describe your reaction in two words if someday Rana really comes from nowhere and meets you with his girlfriend?

Kabir Singh 🙃
my reaction

If Rana is gay then what are you?

I am Faisu

😔 I am so worried of you now
The color that reminds you of Rana?

Brother pink and a bit of combination of baby pink too

Does Rana come in your dreams?


What if Rana is a girl?

I am a girl too

Oh GOD???

I was kidding

I doubt that

I was
See If I get some real love + romance in my life I might forget Rana 😏

I doubt that again, pervert!

You have to help me in finding a girl!

I can't ruin some innocent girl's life

So I will always be stuck with Rana 😇

But I can help you in finding a good psychologist

I am not crazy!

It always starts like that


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