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  THE DISRESPECT IS REAL. DAMN YOU LUKE HEMMINGS. The pictures are POVs. I really like this song tbh.

      I stood on top of the building, waiting for my enemies to arrive. The Sisters of Midnight, troublemakers. My names Luke or some of you may know me as Dr.Fluke. My mates and I are superheros we help protect the city and help fight TSOM.

     "Mate, do you hear that?" said Smash, or just Ashton. Me and the boys got really quiet. I listened, it sounds like a distant running.

      "They're here." Said my friend Michael or Mike-ro-wave. He smirked kind of evily. He can be a douche sometimes.

       "Chill out man, are we gonna suprise attack?" The last guy of the group, and my other friend Calum or Cal-Pal. Don't even ask about that one. His motto is 'Be tight and bright!' Well, because, I mean. He's tight and bright. I chuckled to myself. The boys just stared at me.

       "Where the hell are they, weren't we supposed to 'have a chat' here?" That was one of the girls, I think it was Phase. She's a pretty sarcastic person.

        "If you really think about it, they were probably to pussy to even show up." That was Midnight Shadow, she's sassy. It's really funny too!

         "Whatever, let's just find them, talk and leave." I actually don't know who that was. I quietly shuffled over to Ashton.

        "Do you think we should jump out while they're not paying attention?" I whispered.

          "Yeah, we should do that now." He whispered back. The boys caught on when Ashton started counting down from five.

        "5-4-3-2-1 GO!" He yelled. The girls were completely caught off guard. They didn't scream or fall, or anything of the sort. They just stood there dumbfounded. They're faces were hilarious!

         "What do you want to talk about Mr.Fluke." There goes Blue Shock, or should i say Blue Bitch, I mean seriously, she's a bitch. I just rolled my eyes.

          "People have been complaining about your night watches. Apparently your all VERY loud." Pointed out Calum.

          "Thank-You Carebear, we know we're loud." And Blue Bitch strikes again. Calum grit his teeth. I was done I just wanted to go home to my girlfriend, Blair. She's the best.

          "Listen somethings happening downtown, we don't know what it is, but it gets more powerful each day. We may have to team up, so keep your night watches down, and your noise." Thank you Michael for getting us out.

         "Sure thing appliance, we're not interested in teaming up though." With that Flamea ran off the edge of the building, into a nearby window, the other three girls following suit.

       "I guess we'd better get going." Ashton started to go down the fire escape.




/ (A/n: slashes just mean scene change.)






        I entered the two-bedroom apartment I shared with Blair. Walking into our bedroom, I was greeted with her sound asleep on the bed. Good. I went into the bathroom and washed my face and stared at myself in the mirror.

     "How much longer can I keep this up?" I asked myself. I cant keep it from Blair much longer. I peeled off my costume, replaced it with pajamas and crawled into bed. As soon as i laid down, Blair snuggled against my chest and i fell into a deep sleep.

/Sorry if this chapter was a little short. It was sort of a filler. anyways, im going on cruise the rest of this week and next so i went ahead and updated. let me not bore you. Vote, Comment and Share. Love y'all

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