열 두번째

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Jungkooks pov

I groan and sit up rubbing my eyes. I tilt my head when a familiar scent hits my nose. I look down "this isn't my hoodie"
A kinda raspy (but hot) voice cuts me off "no it's mine"
I turn around to see jimin led next to me still half asleep.

My eyes widen "j-j-j-jimin?!", He sits up and nods "you were drunk and you didn't want to go home alone so I brought you here, we didn't do anything don't worry I wouldn't do that"
I sigh "I'm in your hoodie....but your scent-"

He nods "I tried to warn you but drunk you wasn't having any of it....just like my shirt....you wouldn't let me wear a shirt to bed" I giggle "sorry....I didn't realize I drank so much" he tilts his head "you don't have a hangover?" I shake my head "no I don't get bad hangovers....well actually that's a lie....it depends on how much I drink"

He nods "I see" we both jump and I fall off the bed when Jin bursts in the room "JUNGKOOK!!!!!!!!!" I groan "owwwww" jimin helps me up "you okay?" I nod "just my butt"
I gasp when Jin hugs me tightly "you didn't mate did you? Omg you're in his hoodie! Alphas are gonna get pissy! Omg are you okay? I don't see any hickeys so that's good but some alphas don't leave any"

I sigh "HYUNG! Calm down....we didn't do anything....jimin is one of those alphas that have some human decency" Jin nods "I know he does but he IS an alpha...." Jimin rolls his eyes "uh hu....an alpha who knows how to respect omegas" he stands up and I smile "hyung....I wouldn't go near jimin if I didn't think he was an okay alpha"

Jin sighs "I know....I just worry about you that's all" I nod "I know hyung....did you bring me some clothes?", He shakes his head "no?" Jimin chuckles "I would let you wear mine but they'd be massive on you.....I have some girly clothes that use to be my sister's but she never wore them....they should fit you"

He pulls out a box from under the bed and opens it. I look in the box and smile "thanks jimin-shii" I take some clothes out and then walk to the bathroom and change

 I look in the box and smile "thanks jimin-shii" I take some clothes out and then walk to the bathroom and change

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I walk out the bathroom after washing up and doing my hair and I see jimin dressed in

I walk out the bathroom after washing up and doing my hair and I see jimin dressed in

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He looks at me and chuckles "cute outfit" I giggle "thanks....do you have any banana milk" he nods "yeah yoongi drinks it" I walk to the refrigerator and get out a small carton of banana milk and then sit down at the table and jimin sit down as well and starts to go on his phone.

The others walk in and taehyung looks at me "morning jungkook! Nice sleep?" I roll my eyes and nod "yeah than-" I'm cut off by Kai, suho, Baekhyun, chanyeol,sehun and Chen all burst through the door.

Chanyeol gasps "whoa! He actually stayed!, There are rumours that jungkook goes around on one night stands and then just leaves the next morning" I sigh and look down at the table.

Jimin Huff's "guys....stop with the rumours....some of them might not be true....and I know that one is made up bullshit so you basically just called him a slut.... fucking apologize....he's an omega not a fucking object"

They all bow to me and apologize. I look at jimin who rolls his eyes "I know we're friends guys but respect my omega friends as well" they all nod "sorry jungkook" I shake my head "don't worry about it, you aren't the only people who say shit like this"

I stand up and yoongi looks at me "you good?", I nod "yeah I'm fine....why?" He shrugs "just asking" I smile "okay.... jin-hyung shouldn't we get going to the café? I'm sure Hobi will want some help"
Yoongi gasps "can I come too?" Taehyung nods "and me!"

Jin nods "why don't we all head down, jimin you have a shift after anyway" they all nod and we make our way to the café and walk inside and I walk to the back room and put my apron on and then walk to Hobi who was making some brownies.

He smiles "no hangover Kookie?" I shake my head "no I don't get hangovers much....it just depends on how much I drink" he nods.
I then serve some people and jimin walks up to the counter and I hand him his usual order along with all the others drinks as well.

He chuckles "thanks and I wanted to ask you something" I nod "what's up?" He smiles "would you like to go to dinner with me? My parents are visiting Tomorrow and they want to meet one of my friends" I tilt my head "why me?"

He shrugs "I just thought to ask you first....you don't have to" I shake my head "no I'd love too.... tomorrow yeah?" He nods. I smile "I'll just stay round yours again" he chuckles and nods "yeah of course"

He walks away with the drinks. Hoseok smirks "meeting the parents on the first date? Wow" I gently slap his arm "it's not a date his parents want to meet one of his friends and I'm probably the only friend he has that won't embarrass the shit out of him" hoseok laughs "I take offence to that because I'm also his friend"

We both laugh.......
I wonder why I was the first one that came to his mind when he invited someone to dinner with his parents....I hope they're nice.....
But isn't it like....a bit strange that it's because they want to meet his friend?.....no? It just seems strange to me....
But it's probably not.....

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