Chapter 25

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Jason's P.O.V.

Snow pressed the gun to her forehead, ready to do it, ready to kill herself with the weapon she had used to save my life.

I heard the bullet slide into the cold barrel of the gun.

I felt Thalia tense beside me and I could also sense a shift in Vena's position as well.

No one expected this.

We expected her to fight, to attack us, kill us even.

But not this.

And then there's what she said about Orchid.

She sounded like she was telling the truth.

But there was something else that bothered me.

What she had said about Orchid, about how I didn't try to save her, about how she loved Orchid more than I did.

It was all true.

Snow had tried to save her, or at the very least, she had been there. 

I had left Orchid behind without a second thought simply because I knew I stood no chance of winning with her as an ally.

"Snow." My own voice surprised me. I hadn't meant to speak. But now that I had begun, I couldn't stop. "S-Snow," I repeated. "Put the gun down."

She quickly shook her head. "It's the only way."

"No, it's not." Jerome cut in. "Snow, please, I'm begging you to put the gun down."

Snow didn't respond.

I raised my voice. "Orchid wouldn't want this."

"You don't know what Orchid would and wouldn't want!" Snow screamed. "You weren't there!"

"She wouldn't want you dead Snow! I know her! I knew her before you did! She wouldn't want you dead! Orchid saved her life and you're going to let it go to waste? You're going to let Kern and Orchid's sacrifice go to waste?"

Snow's hand with the gun in it faltered slightly. "You're right." her voice was quiet. "I owe it to them."

"That's right Snow." Thalia said soothingly. "Now put the gun down."

Vena was smart enough to not say anything but her face showed fury.

"Snow, put the gun down." Jerome repeated.

"No!" she snapped. "That's not what I meant!" Snow's eyes filled with fury. But it wasn't directed toward us. 

Every camera, every microphone, every T.V. in Panem, it was all looking right at her. District 2's Prodigy, the Capitol's Soldier. 

"People of Panem." Snow's voice rang loud and clear. Her hand shifted on the gun but she kept it pointed toward herself. "You sit in the supposed safety of your homes, watching me as I speak. But none of you are safe. Every year, your children get slaughtered, and for what? For fun? For entertainment?"

I didn't understand what she was doing.

"You saw what happened to Orchid, the little sister I never had, and Kern the boy who protected me. They died. But who killed them? What happened? Did you really see? Or did the Capitol change reality and show you lies?"

She took a deep breath. "I've been always viewed as the Capitol's precious child, the Soldier who is willing to fight for them. I volunteered in the Games knowing I would die, purposefully. I chose to save Orchid. I wanted to save her. But she was killed, Orchid along with Kern. And why? For knowing the truth. For knowing the reality that none of you could ever imagine."

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