- Chapter Three -

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Chapter Three; Thank you, Ms Romanoff.


"I didn't know you, uh, swung that way."


The first two weeks of school were awesome.

Y/n had gotten to introduce her quirk to her classmates in a really cool way on the first day, and everyone was super impressed. She even made friends with Mina and Jirou, who Momo also seemed to really like.

She found out that the green-haired boy she had passed during the entrance exam was named Izuku Midoryia, but everyone called him Deku.

Well, Kaskui Bakugo, the angry blonde one who had pushed her before the exam, called him Deku, and it just kind of stuck.

Deku was super friendly once you got to know him, and he had ended up asking her a few questions about her quirk as they had started to clean the classroom, which she answered to the best of her ability.

"Can you make ice sculptures, or can you only freeze already made objects?"

"I've honestly never tried to make just sculptures. So... maybe? I'm not sure."

"How come you wear those gloves? Do you have complete control over your quirk?"

"I wear the gloves for an extra layer of protection for other people. Even if I have gloves on, if I get to angry or flustered I could lose control of my powers and freeze someone. And, yes, I have a lot of control over my quirk. It just helps to have the gloves."

"Have you ever frozen anyone? On purpose or as an accident."

"Multiple times on both ends. Mostly to keep them from bullying me or other kids, though. Self-defense. You know. It takes a lot more effort to produce ice to cover living things, though."

"Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions," Deku said brightly, putting his notebook away. "Usually people don't just let me question them."

"It's chill." Y/n said with a shrug.

"I have one last question, actually. What's your quirk name?"

"... Icy Hands." Y/n muttered. "I came up with it when I was little."

"Cool! That's a perfect name for it." Deku said with a chuckle. "I can definitely see you becoming a pro. Well, see you tomorrow!"

"Bye, Deku." Y/n called over her shoulder as she exited the classroom. She felt a hand slip into hers and smiled. "Hey, Momo."

"Y/n, school has been so fun!" Momo squealed. "Can I come over to your house, please? My parents aren't going to be home tonight and I don't wanna be alone," she pouted.

"Momo," Y/n laughed. "Do you really like coming over to my house that much?"

"Yes," Momo pouted. "I do like going to your house, because you're there."

"I could always go to your house." She teased, poking Momo in the ribs. "I think you just like being at my house because you don't like being at your house."

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