- Chapter Four -

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//Thank you guys for 1.6k reads? That's so epic I love you guys 🥺🥺🥺 also this chapter has a lil angst 🤭

Chapter Four; No, Strings Attached.


"No strings attached?"

"Right. No strings attached."


Life was good.

School was great.

Momo was bi.

You were helpless.

And your parents hadn't come home for almost a month.

That was slightly worrying, but, in all honesty, you had hardly noticed. You were almost never home alone, anyways. Momo, Mina, or Jiruo was always with you.

Mostly Momo.

Okay, just Momo.

But Mina and Jiruo had come over every weekend they could!

Momo practically lived at your house now, but you weren't complaining. It was nice, being able to talk freely to her about girls that you thought were pretty. It was mostly just Momo who talked about the girls, because you only had eyes for one.


And, oh boy, did she drive you crazy.

Being so close but unable to have her was... torture. Especially with the small, friendly, kisses she gave you on your hands or cheeks sometimes.

Once she kissed your neck. You had taken a few minutes to recalibrate yourself after that one.

God, sometimes you just wanted to tell her how much you liked her and then kiss her. But not platonically.

But you didn't want to lose her.

So you stayed quiet.

You stayed in her arms.

And you stayed her friend.

And that was horrible. You hated it. Every waking second of every day was a reminder that you couldn't have her, no matter what you gave up.

And you would have given up a lot. A crazy amount of things, including your quirk.

"N/n? You alright, hon?" Momo asked sweetly, running her hands through your hair.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking." You replied, leaning into the taller girl's touch and sighing in content. "When my parents come home, you're not gonna be able to come over as much, you know."

"Boooooo, your parents are no fun. They can't keep me from coming over. I'll just sneak in your window." Momo declared.

"Sorry that they don't really like the idea of me having friends." You joked, looking up at her. "I mean seriously, they treat me like an active bomb threat."

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