Chapter 4

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Consciousness comes back to Tommy in waves. First, it's the feeling of a heavy weight pinning him down in place, then, a deep ache settled deep in his limbs. Third, and most importantly, it's the splitting migraine throbbing against his temple. Tommy felt as though someone smashed a hammer through his head. What happened? He felt what he was on, and it was soft, like a mattress? He groaned. God, if he just woke up, why does he feel so terrible? Did he accidentally drink nicked alcohol before going to sleep again?

He opens his eyes to a world of black. Weird. Maybe it's the bed covers? Slowly and painfully, he took the heavy wool blanket off of himself. Strangely enough, it was still dark around him. Maybe his windows are being blocked by some thick drapes. He tried to sit on the bed but an excruciating pain shot from his shoulder. Raising a trembling hand, he felt for the skin but only felt the coarse and slightly damp texture of a bandage. What?

He carefully tried standing up without hurting himself. It worked and he sluggishly moved around the room, hand resting on the wall, until he found a window next to his bed. As he approached it, he accidentally slammed his toes on a bottom drawer and loudly cursed.

As the boy leaned on the window sill to grab at his foot, he felt confused at the lack of cloth over the window. But then why-


The boy whipped around at the sound of Deo's voice. Judging by the distance, he'd just run in and was standing at the other end of the room. His tone cautious, in the same way one would address a hurt feral animal. Tommy decided to ignore that. "Oh, hey Deo. Would you mind turning on the lights?" He asked, grinning widely.

Deo isn't laughing. He isn't turning the lights on either. What's going on? "Tommy, do you remember yesterday?" And Tommy scrunched his eyebrows, his smile dropping. Yesterday... Quickly memories flashed through his mind. Oh. Oh.

Without even realising, he raises his hands to his eyes, covering them with the palm of his warm hands. He slouched forward, cradling his face, leaning against the wall. His breathing spikes up, and he feels yet another crying session start. Before he can outright sob, large warm hands rest on either of his shoulders and pull him forward. With his head cradled against a warm chest, the only thing Tommy feels is the slow inhales and exhales Deo is taking. He concentrates on that, mimicking it, until his breathing is back under control, his arms having wrapped themselves around Deo's waist.

"Hey it's okay." Deo coos "Are you hungry? It's about lunch right now." The boy nodded, untangling himself and taking the other's hand, letting him pull them along.

He was led to their kitchen and sat down on a chair, arms wrapped his knees . Deo passes him a plate, which is placed precariously on his knees.He pats the plate, only to realise that he was handed him a sandwich that Tommy promptly grabs and chews. He hadn't noticed how starved he was, the food bar on his phone screen currently inaccessible. Actually, he wasn't able to see how many hearts he currently had , nor his current location. He'll freak out about that later.

While he was nibbling on the bread, Deo broke the silence amicably." So, how was your sleep?"

The blond chuckled and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Horrible, thanks for asking." More nibbling, then "Now what did you really want to talk about?" He slouched further into his chair and yawned audibly. He was so tired. What would be his gaze was aimed at where he thinks his feet are.

"Do you remember when I mentioned the Antarctic Empire was spamming the chat?" Deo asked, while sitting down in a chair himself across from him, making sure to make as much noise as he can. Tommy noddes numbly. To be frank, he hadn't really been paying attention. "Well, I wanted to talk to you before answering." Deo chewed on something". Since it's your decision if you want to tell those guys anything."

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