Queen of The Elves

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Thank goodness that’s finally over, Arya thought as she left the council meeting. It’s almost like they have nothing better to do than just squabble over every last thing, no matter how small.

It does seem that way doesn’t it? Fírnen, her ever present partner of heart and mind responded.

Ever since the war ended, its almost as if they are making a concerted effort to not be involved in any matter that is actually relevant. It wouldn’t matter so much if I didn’t have to attend every meeting and listen to their idiocy for many hours.

But such are the duties of a queen to her people little one. Though I personally am grateful that my presence is not required at any of these meetings.

Yes lucky you.

If nothing else is occurring at the moment, I will be venturing out into the forest to hunt. I am starving at the moment and would like nothing else save a plump, juicy deer.

No nothing is happening as of now, so go and hunt as you would like. I’ll let you know if there is any need for you to return prematurely.

Good, then I shall see you later Arya.

I’ll see you later Fírnen. It was with these words that Fírnen took off from the ground with a single, mighty downstroke of his wings. Arya watched him fly off into the distance for a while, his deep green scales sparkling and glittering due to the light of the setting sun bouncing and refracting off of them. She then proceeded to walk down the streets of Ellesméra back to her quarters.

What a wonderful day it really is today, thought Arya as she looked around the sun-kissed streets of the renowned elven city. There were numerous different kinds of birds that flitted from tree to tree while singing their delightful melodies. In the distance, the vast wooded expanse of Du Weldenvarden stretched out before her, with its many trees reaching for the sky with their twisted branches cloaked in mantles of green leaves. It has been a great while since I last checked on the eggs, I should probably stop by Skulblaka Hall just to see how they are progressing, she mused as she continued her stroll, however she deviated from the main road and went onto a smaller path in order to make the trip to see the eggs. 

“Greetings Arya Drötting, it’s so good to see you. How may we be of service today?” the twins who were guarding the eggs, Ládrina and Elrun, greeted Arya, twisting their hands and pressing them against their lips as a gesture of respect.

“I am well thank you, and I have come to see the progress of the eggs, and possibly to determine whether or not it is time to hand them off to Raëta to fly to the dwarves for their turn trying to get them to hatch,” Arya replied in a commanding manner.

“Of course my lady, they are right this way,” Ládrina said as she pulled open the highly intricate oaken doors that marked the entrance to the hall. As soon as they had pulled the doors out of her path, Arya glided through them and immediately her eyes fell upon the pedestals upon which the eggs sat. There were two muddy brown ones, shot through with veins of a cream color, two ebony ones which contained streaks of a grey the color of a Feldûnost’s pelt. Of the remaining eggs, one was a deep lapis color, with lines of a lighter lilac throughout its surface, and the other egg was the color of a rose, with various splotches of white patterning it.

“I take it none of them have hatched yet due to the fact that all six are still here?” Arya asked the caretakers.

“That is correct, my lady,” Elrun answered. 

“Well then that is all the more reason to send them off to the dwarven stronghold at Farthen Dûr. See to it that Raëta is summoned and sent to my quarters immediately, I want these eggs in the air on their way to the dwarves by nightfall. Understood?”

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